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I don't have drawings of what me and my cousins characters look like but basically here's  lil thing for this for now.

Roy is around 4ft7 in this making him the shortest out of everyone lol, Ross is 5ft, and robert is 5ft8. Glitchy, my cousins character, is 5ft11, and Quinn, me, is 4ft10. Quinn gets along the best with Roy because they have similar personality's and love to cause chaos and mischief together while Glitch gets the best along with Ross because of their calm behavior and calming personality. Ross and Quinn both have a fascination for reptiles and amphibians. Robert and Quinn relate a lot to eachother because both of them stim and they are not very liked out of everyone at their school so they go to eachother to talk about their problems, Glitch on the other hand prefers to talk to Quinn or Ross but Ross is more minimal because of her trust issues and PTSD. 

Thank u for reading mah cringe.

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