Începe de la început

Suddenly he heard footsteps proceding he saw jin hyung and jimi. Rushing inside seokjin was saying something but taehyung felt everything so distant he felt like everything happens in slow motion

He saw jimin pulling jengguk from taehyungs Arms and jeongguk struggling to breath and saw jimin pulling out the injection and injected jeongguk

Jin was screaming taehyungs name but taehyung was just looking at jeongguk his body stopped moving and jimin lifted him and placed him on the bed

" taehyung-----taehyung can you hear me " seokjin called and taehyung felt his head spin he felt like throwing up suddenly all he saw was black

" Taehyung !!!!!!" Jin screamed as he held taehyung on his arms as he patted his cheeks

" taehyung wake up " jin said panic rushing through his body

"Jimin jimim what happned to him " jon asked and jimim was sure he was just shocked and stressed

" he must be stressed hyung---let's get him to his room " jimin said and jin hastily picked up taehyung and went to jeongguks room and placed him on the bed

Jimin was standing Infront of the door and was thinking about something

" jimin---what are you thinking about" jin asked as he saw jimin , jimin was always calm but he looked tensed today

" hyung I'm scared " jimin said his voice a mere whisper

" why " jin asked creep running into his veins

" this is the 4th time jeongguk had seizures and this is not leading to any good hyung " jimin said his heart felt so sad

" is there---is there any remedy jimin " jin asked in fear He is not ready to loose anyone

" love hyung---love he needs an embrace to hide himself when he feels low " jimin said as he eyes taehyungs room

" taehyung loves him jimin " jin said and jimin nodded his head

" make taehyung stay here forever hyung---make taehyung stay here " jimin asked his voice pleading

" will taehyung approve this " jin asked doubtfully

" I'll talk to him hyung---I know taehyung----he'll go to any extend for his loved ones I saw it many time" jimin said as he patted jins shoulder

Taehyung felt his head heavy he stirred in his sleep and opened his eyes realization hit him on his face as he panicked and started to search for jeongguk

" calm down tae " jimins smooth voice made taehyung look at him jimin was looking calm and beautiful as ever

"Jimin hyung " taehyung said and jimin looked at him with wide eyes taehyung always calls him Mr.min but he is nke calling him hyung

" that sounds so good tae " jimin said showing his eye smile

" where is----where is jeongguk" taehyung asked

" is he okay "

" he is fine right "

" I wnat to see him "

" where is he "

Taehyung asked his eyes showed worry and that Amused jimin

" woah woah calm down tae---jeongguk had seizures and you know what's the worst thing is---it's his 4th time" jimim said and taehyung widen his eyes

" is he alright hyung " taehyung asked

" he will be alright if he finds someone to share his sorrow tae " jimin said his voice held assurance

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