The start

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A year before the Outbreak

"Hey Guren!" I run to my cold classmate " Have you seen Kaname?" I ask him. He look over " yea he with Mahiru right now. " hearing that I sigh and look down " Guren I'm worried they've been spending more and more time with that stuff, what if something happens?" I tell me and he ruff my hair " hey!!" I scream mildly at him and he smile " they will be ok Hana" I look at his smile and I can see it.

He worried too.

I walk into the lab " Hey Kaname!, we go to get going, you promised me dinner tonight and I " I stop mid breathe after hearing a wail coming from the back.That Mahiru! I run into the back room.

It's a mess filled with weapons on the floor and broken glass everywhere. In the center of the room I see Mahiru. " hey what happen! Where's Kaname? " I yell running toward her. She look up at me with a tear chasing down her cheeks. " I'm so sorry... I couldn't save him" in her hands lies two dual blades, but something was off about them. They where a blood red color with black stirp in the center. " Mahiru, don't kid around, where Kaname ?" I ask again fear and angry running through me. She lifts up the swords to me " I'm sorry Hana,.. I couldn't save him " just them her saddened faces turn a cold smile " however know we have the means to beat the vampires "

Present day,On the battle field

"What in the name of God do you think you're doing !" Nara cries out " get out my shot, or you die along with the monster!" She yells at two privates from the roof of a nearby building. " wait a moment Nara " Luke tells her " don't tell she gonna do this again " she says taking her rifle and looking through the scope " Eimin let me see" she tell her weapon. The monster known as the four horseman of John comes into her sight. She takes aim but doesn't shoot.

She see a slash come out no where with two more to follow only see glimmers of the person leaving the marks and cuts. "Man she such a show off" " Nara leans back " Major Nara!" A private walks up she look over and the private says " all the horseman in the area have been taken out and there are no vampires here either. " Nara smiles " well looks like we got to this place before they did filthy blood-suckers" she laugh a bit " ok we are falling back bring everyone back to our base information, don't want to upset the Lieutenant General. " she starts to walk back and stop hear someone else coming up " No you wouldn't want to trust me " I tell her reaching the top step. The private soultis me and l nod. He walks Aways and swing my blades around and put them back. " Man that weapon of yours is something. You could match speed with highest ranking nobles if you wanted too" Nara say " maybe but it's a bit too soon to test that out." I tell her " come on you two let's get back I have to go to some boring meeting the morning and I rather get some sleep while I can "

As a walk back down I hear Nara whisper" yea so she can she her darling Guren" she laugh a little " hey Nara wanna duel " I say out loud she hit the back of my head " not against you, but don't go being Tough tho Hana. Your the sweet type so don't start acting your rank like the really monster." She says " Are you referring to the hiiragi family, your superior officers ? You do know you get in trouble if I were to tell them you speak of them so badly " I smirk. She laugh at me" like I care and like you tell them, you most likely think the same as I do!" She pats my back. I roll my eyes but she right always.

Back at base

I walk up to my room and open the door " So your back from your mission" Kureto says with my blade at his neck "You know to let me know when you're here so i don't do this " I lower my blades and put them back " Why are you here?" I ask him " Oh come you can say hello" he say and i can almost feel the ice in his voice " I have nothing to say to you and you know I rather see you bleed to death not to mention if Gru- he cuts me off - Guren knew i was here he'd most likely kill me, Is that what you were gonna say?" I bite my lip trying to keep my mouth shut from saying anything too regretful. " look Hana, darling - he walks over and put his hand on my face- at the officer meeting tomorrow you are gonna show up late.. not to much just by about 15 minutes Guren will be leaving when you walk in and you'll chase him out to see what happen. Ok?" he drops his hand I clench my fist. " what are you planning Kureto ?" I ask him. " Nothing you need to worry about right now " he says as he leave and shut the door. Ugh that man makes my blood boil. I sigh and take my uniform off and walk into my room. I wonder what going on.. Should I tell Guren? I groan laying there and grab my swords and put them under my pillow. "Ill figure this out Kaname, I won't let them get their way every again.I lay my head on the pillow and drift to sleep.

I open my eyes and i'm in the white room I look ahead and i see my blades and him " Kaname I have a question,What do you think they up too " I sit on the floor and he looks down " I'm not sure hana but from the way it looks it not good at all." I glare at him annoyed " thanks captain obvious.....Guren has gotten himself into trouble again. Poor Mahuri."

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