Chapter 8

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Ponyboy POV:

 Eli walked out of the diner with us. "Hey Els you wanna go for a walk with me?" Johnny said "Sure, Johnny." Eli said smiling at him "Can Pony and Dallas come?" she asked. "well uh.." Johnny said "Nah sorry Princess, Pony and I got to do something." Dallas said. I wanted to come with them but I guess I was tired plus I don't need Dal on my case. "Oh well, ok, I'll see you again. " Eli said smiling "well. Goodbye." Eli stated giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and giving Dal a hug and a kiss on his cheek "Bye Princess" Dal said "See ya' Eli" I said and we walked away. 

Elizabeth POV:

 Johnny had invited me to go for a walk with him which I accepted. It was about mid-afternoon. "So any particular reason you wanted to go for a walk Johnny?" I said "Nah no reason.." Johnny said "Ok where are we off to?" I asked tiliting my head looking at him "You know the lake?" Johnny said "Uh the one on maple?" I asked "Yeah there." Johnny said "Oh yes, I went for a swim there the other day. " I said "Yeah, I know" Johnnny said " How?" I asked "Oh Steve told us." he said "Oh uh ok." I said. It was a but awkward but we walked. His hands were stuffed in his pockets. We got some weird looks but I didn't dwell on it. "Els why do you hang out with us?" He said "Well, I do quite like you guys and you are the first friends I ever made here in Tulsa." I said "plus If I'm with a tough guy like you I won't have to worry about trouble." I said smiling at him. I saw his cheeks turn red and I giggled. "Oh-oh well I ain't that tough" Johnny said " Well I think you are, not to mention handsome." I said. I couldn't deny it, most of the people I had met were very attractive. I saw him blush more "Well a' thank you." Johnny said "I ain't really been called that before." he said. "Well that can't be true." I said as he was very handsome. He didn't respond but he was smiling.  His hand was no longer in his pocket but by his side so I took it and held it. His hands were rough and 'clammy' but I felt comfortable. 

"Tell me about yourself. I don't know all that much about you love." I said. In all honesty I was curious about him, as he was very silent and reserved but not in a cold or intimidating way in a respectful almost scared way. "Well uh- whatd'ya wanna know?"  Johnny said. "Well uh what music do you like?" I asked. "Well I like Elvis and the Beatles I guess." He said "Really? I love the Beatles especially their love songs their so sweet." I said beaming at him. "What's you're favorite song?" I asked "Oh uh I don't know their all real good." He said "Hmm you're right, mine would be I wanna hold your hand."  said and then I held up our hands and smiled.  " Do you like reading?" I asked "Well not really, Pony reads to me a lot though." he said, I smiled at the thought of Pony reading to Johnny. "Maybe I could read to you, I love books especially Poetry and Shakespeare." I said "Yeah, sometime." Johnny said. 

We approached the Lake and I let go of his hand and walked ahead of him to a tree that was over looking the lake. The sun above it shined it's glorious rays touching the place gently. Again no one was there. I wondered why as it was a beautiful place but I was grateful to have it to myself and well Johnny. "Isn't it beautiful Johnny?" I said turning back to him as he walked towards me, he looked at me and said "Yeah, real stunning." his voice soft and hazy.  I sat down and he stood next to me leaning against the tree. "why don't you sit down?" I asked, he looked at me and sat. I moved so I was leaning on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I could hear, his heart beating quickly, his body was stiff. "Are you uncomfortable?  I can move." I said looking up at him. "No it's ok." He said. It was awkward but the comfortable as we laid under the shade. We just stared at the scene, the water softy brushing against the shore. The grass beneath us green and lively. The trees encasing the lake hiding it form the outside world. They were tall and strong, their leaves a bright green. 

"Oh thank you for taking me here Johnny it's just breathe- taking." I said leaning more into Johnny. "Uh well no problem. " He said.  I looked up at him and he was grinning I stood straight and got off of his shoulder. His hand fell off of my shoulders and he looked at me, I looked at him and smiled then I took his face in my hands and turned his head and kissed his cheek softly. "Thank you." I said. His face was red. "Uh-uhm your'e a' welcome" he said. I stood up and took my flats off. I went to closer to the lake and put my feet in the water.  I was no longer in the shade, I was in the warm sun. It kissed my body and warmed me, Johnny then came and sat crisscrossed next to me. 

We sat in silence before I said." Do you want to go get lunch?" I asked. "Uh yeah sure". I dried my feet in the grass and slipped on my flats. We walked along the streets once more. I got some whistles and cat-calls which mad me uncomfortable and a bit scared but Johnny wrapped his arm around me and held me close. I felt safe. He was like a prince defending me from dragons. "You treat me like I'm a princes in a fairy tale" I said "You treat me like I'm a valuable treasure" I said. "Because you are." he said smiling. I smiled back at him. "And you're like a knight in shining armor saving me from the evil witch." I said. "Oh well I don't know about that." he said. "Well I think you are." I said. He looked away from me and shook his head grinning form ear to ear. A sweet smile, one you could see from a mile away. A genuine one, one you couldn't hide. We neared a fast food place and I ordered a milkshake and french fries along with Johnny. After we ate I paid much to Johnny's disapproval. "I could a' paid " he said "Nonsense you brought me to such a beautiful place and walked around town with me, I owe you." I said taking his hand in mine. "Do you want to go to the Curtis' ?" he asked "Well sure." I said. In all honesty I wanted to spend more time with him but I was getting quite tired. 

When we got there, Pony and Dallas were there with Two-bit. "Hey Princess how was you're date with Johnnycakes?" Dal said chuckling "Oh it wasn't a date" I said letting go of Johnny's hand to push Dallas. "Oh sure, Johnny you're grinnin' ear to ear kid and you're face is red as a ruby." Dal said "Oh shucks Dal, I'm just hot that's all."Johnny said sitting down "So where'd ya kids go?" Dal said "Oh Johnny took me to the lake on maple." I said giving Dallas a smile and sitting next to him and Pony at the end of the couch Johnny. "Oh really. Johnny, man you took her to make-out lake, what did ya get lucky?" Dallas said "What no Dal, I mean yes, we did go but we didn't do that!" Johnny said "Alrightttt" Dallas said drawing out the T sarcastically.  "I'm going out for a smoke" Johnny said before walking out of the door. I stayed for a few minutes before deciding I should go home. 

I walked onto the patio and turned to Johnny, I walked up to him "Thank you for protecting me and hanging out with me today, it was lovely. " I said, I hugged him and took his face in my hands, going on my tip toes I kissed his temple. "Uh anytime." He said sweetly I turned and "Why don't I walk you?" he said " Oh no it's fine I'll be ok." I said "Oh well are ya sure?" He said "yes, now rest. I'll see you soon love goodbye." I said giving him a smile " Oh well be safe, bye." he said. I walked back to my house smiling to myself replaying the days events. I felt giddy. Like a small child opening presents, like a dancer on stage, like a singer on a good song, like a bride at a wedding.  I took my giddiness and went into my room and fell on my bed smiling to myself. What a day, what a day.

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A/N I was literally smiling to myself as I wrote this, I hope you love this chapter! If you don't tell me what you'd like to see. Love ya! 

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