"a little date for you." he smiled.

i wrapped my hands around his neck.

his hands found hips, lightly squeezed them, he kissed my exposed shoulder.

"everytime i think that you cant get any better, you do. you continue to make we wonder what you're going to pull next. you have a way of leaving me stunned."

"thats a good thing right?" he asked.

"one day you'll manage to surprise me so big that my heart will explode." i joked

we pulled away from each other, "ill make sure to not do that."

"how about we take a seat & order some food because i dont know about you but im hungry."

i smiled and nodded.

he pulled my chair out for me, i sat and he scooted me in.

"i feel under dressed." i admitted

"i wanna see whats under your dress."

i jokingly wacked him with my menu and he fell out of his seat on purpose, but it was so funny it had us both laughing.

he got up off the ground, "were gonna get kicked out." i laughed.

he sat back down, trying to not laugh but failed.

"stop it."

"you're the one making me laugh." i said.

"you slapped me with the menu." he argued

"you made an inappropriate comment."

"but it was true." he pointed.

i rolled me eyes, "you're lucky i love you."

we looked back at the menus, he held my hand, running his thumb over my skin.

we ordered our food, but ended up sharing our plates when we got them.

"its getting chilly." i said.

"you want dessert?"


"we can get it to go." he suggested.

"even better."

i ran my hand over my leg, trying to warm myself up.

we ordered cheesecakes before leaving.

auston opened the passenger door for me, "thank you."

he got in the driver side, as he started the car and placed his hand in mine.

"thank you for tonight." i said as he started driving.

"you dont have to thank me."

"yeah right." i joked.

"you really dont. this is me making up for being gone during the season, i hate being away from you."

i gaspsd, "are you showing your emotions?"

"its true maggie. i cant stand being away from you. i wish i could stuff you in my suitcase so i could have you in my hotel room after every road game! and i hate when i have to stay at my place and you're at yours."

"well, all i have to do is talk to mitch about moving in with you and take it from there." i said.

"will you come to games?" he asked.


"bring the girls?"

"absolutely!" i smiled, seeing how he wants the girls there.

"and one day, we can post a cute family picture together & i can show the world my 3 beautiful girls."

"i love you." i kissed the back of his hand.

he parked the car in the driveway, "i love you too maggie future matthews."

i felt my cheeks heat up as we got out of the car.

we walked in the house remembering to be quiet since the girls should be asleep.

i put our dessert in the fridge.

"hey." i said.

"how was the date?" mitch asked

"she wacked me with the menu." auston said.

"did you deserve it?" steph asked.

"no." auston said.

"yes." i said at the same time.

"the girls have a good day?"

"yes." the boys responded.

"and they went to bed without a fuss." mitch explained.


"what about you guys?"

"it was a great night."

"alright, im glad. on that note were gonna head to bed then." steph yawned.

"good night, see you two in the morning."

mitch & steph went upstairs, while auston & i went to our room.

i walked into the bathroom and turned the water on.

i put my hair in a bun since i washed it last night, and stripped of my clothing.

i turned the lights off and stepped into the shower to rinse my body off before getting out.

i wrapped a towel around my body and walked into the bedroom, where auston was in bed.

i put on one of his shirts and put it on with a pair of underwear.

i turned the lights of crawled into bed, "good night, i love you."

"good night babe."

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