Chapter 12

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Sneaking out of the house proved inane because the sheriff had assigned cars to patrol the house 24/7. Twice in one night the girl was busted for trying to climb out of her room window and through the back door. The Therks returned to their home to retrieve their special equipment to locate Emmerich.

'Leon! Commander! Will you tell us what you saw in Kira's mind?' hassled Christian as they rambled in the parlor.

Leon did not answer. He kneeled in the corner of the room, opening a secret hiding spot on the floor and took out three tote bags. He rummaged in one of them for a certain device. Wes and Christian's eyes followed his moves as he ran across the room, skimming through something in the computer, then back to the bag and then again at the monitor, nervously pressing the keyboards.

'Commander, what are you doing?' demanded Wes.

'I've installed small chips to your phones. A tracking device just in case if there's a need to know of your whereabouts,' finally replied Leon, eyes fixed on the screen.

'Oh sure, his question you answer,' grumbled Christian.

'Are you sure you want to hear my answer, Christian?' snapped the Commander.


Leon abruptly stood upright, whipping his head from Wes to Christian. He sighed.

'Kira's been lying to us. She has...'

'What?' interrupted Christian in disbelief.

'She has been training with the Braxis, so he would help her control her powers. For several weeks she's been Sciroing in the woods, keeping us in the dark.'

'Why would she do that? How?' asked Wes, greatly astounded.

Christian vividly heard him but couldn't believe his ears. 'No,' he murmured.

'She was losing it, afraid her powers and Sciro might completely take over her body so she approached to Reed for help,' resumed Leon.

'But his methods are dangerous! By Sciroing too many times she quickly submits to her darkest needs and desires and eventually becomes like the Braxis!' said Wes. 'How could we not notice sooner?'

'Their training didn't last long. It almost affected her but she stopped. But she went behind our backs, lied to us, to Emmerich, who's now after our arch enemy! She discovered why Reed was helping her and refused to continue. But he got mad and triggered tonight's incident. Now one of my soldiers is missing because he wants to avenge his so-called love!'

'Don't blame this on Kira. It's not her fault,' defended her Christian.

'Isn't it, Christian?' Leon stared at him. 'This could have been prevented...'

'You know how the Braxis works! He manipulates! Kira's just an innocent victim, a tool in his plot.'

'Don't argue with me, boy.'

'How can you stand here and accuse an innocent human? She was trying to protect the people she cares about! Including us!' Christian voice became louder.

'She's half Therk, don't forget that,' reminded Leon, pointing his index finger at him. 'She's just as much dangerous as we are. She proved that tonight.'

'Let's not forget, it was you who let Em go after the Braxis! You should have helped her better, instead you worked all day by the computer. May be she wouldn't have approached the Braxis...'

Christian's accusation riled the Commander, making him lunge at his shoulder. Leon pinned him against the wall, his forearm on his throat, blocking the air passageway. Christian was suffocating.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2023 ⏰

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