Chapter 6

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Around evening time Kira received two messages on her cell, one from Emmerich, stating "I'm coming over", and the other caused slight discomfort – from Reed. The contents displeased her yet she managed to contain her ire. Fifteen minutes later a knock on the window distracted the girl from her reverie.

'What're you doing? My parents could hear you,' Kira whispered, opening the window for Emmerich.

'I want to take you somewhere. Come with me,' he cajoled, proffering his hand.

Kira worried about the extent of noise they would make while they snuck out but as always Emmerich artfully kidnapped the girl with the aid of a hoverglide. The two hovered under the twinkling lights of the nocturnal firmament, felicitously drawing no attention. For Kira nothing felt better than to be carried in the strong arms of her one true love. The pair landed in the City Park, next to a gazebo, adorned with white roses on its columns. Right in the middle of the gazebo's inside octagon stood a round table with two chairs. On the table was a glass vase with an exquisite red rose, a candle, and two plates of steak and mashed potatoes. Kira gazed at the romantic setting with elated wonder, speechless. She totally did not anticipate this.

'Oh my God! Emmerich! I'm so underdressed! Why didn't you tell me about this? I would've have, at least, worn a decent pair of pants!' exclaimed Kira.

'I wanted to surprise you. To do something normal for a change. Tonight I don't want you thinking about all the things we went through. I haven't seen your beautiful smile in a long time,' he spoke so sweetly and quietly, enclosing Kira in his embrace and grazing her cheek with his knuckle.

Kira sighed dreamily, gazing into Emmerich's marvelous face full of tender, love and care. She melted at his words, butterflies warming in her stomach and spreading pleasant sensations to the rest of her body. Like the perfect gentleman he was, the Therk offered a seat for the lady and then himself perched on the chair, with the widest grin ever.

'Everything looks beautiful. Did you arrange all of this by yourself?' asked Kira, her eyes scanning the gazebo's interior.

'Actually my brothers helped me. To be honest, most of the work was Christian's idea. Can you believe that?' chuckled Emmerich. That did not surprise Kira. On the contrary, she fully believed that he did it he from the pure heart. 'I really ought to thank him again afterwards.'

'Yeah, me, too,' muttered Kira under her nose, squirming uncomfortably in her seat. 'And I guess Wes cooked?'

'You'd be surprised but it was me. Wes just gave me the recipe,' grinned Emmerich.

Kira giggled. Emmerich stared at her with profound appreciation. He felt happy seeing her this way, devoid of misery and worries, and desired to watch that magnificent smile for the rest of his life. Accidentally hearing this in her head, Kira's lips parted.

'I love that smile. I wish to make you laugh every day. Just for tonight let's enjoy the moment,' he said, tightly clasping her hand on the table.

The meal was without a doubt scrumptious. Residing on Earth was something the Therks still were getting used to, Emmerich told this to Kira. Some of the habits, cultures and traditions may have seemed odd at first, but recently they began to embrace them and have integrated into the human lifestyle. For instance, let's start with eating meat. Wes has been experimenting with various types of sauces, spices and meat. Vegetables on Palatex were much tastier and juicier and bigger in size but consumption of meat here substituted their old preferences. Kira laughed as she listened to this lovely sample of a male Therk. After the exquisite dinner Emmerich stood and turned on the music player which Kira belatedly noticed, laying on the porch of the gazebo. She smiled at his choice of music – Frank Sinatra "The way you look tonight". The Therk bowed gracefully, offering his hand like the ideal gentleman he was. Kira was enticed by his movement, grinning and flushing as she accepted his offer. He took her right hand, placing her left hand on his shoulder and grabbed her waist with his right one. They moved slowly to the soothing voice of Frank Sinatra.

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