*Last Dream of Zee*

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I can only promise you that First and Khao and Annie and Perth will have a light and quick death.  I'll try to surprise them in their sleep.  Sorry if I fail.

*   *   *

I closed the laptop, packed it into a bag, which I placed in a cardboard box, which I slid to the bottom of the wardrobe.  I walked over to the bed where my two most used pistols lay and a large knife.  I checked the sharpness of the knife by cutting the skin on my forearm with it.  It stung and immediately there was blood.  I smiled to myself.  I was used to the pain, to some extent it became an intoxicating drug for me, from which I could not free myself.  Three knocks on the door were the signal that Billy and I agreed on.  I hid the gun under my clothes and went outside.

The day was slowly coming to an end, the sun was setting orange, giving us the false impression that the surrounding forest was on fire.  The air was heavy with the smell of herbs and mown grass.  In the nearby pond there was the croaking of frogs and the cries of some birds I couldn't name.  All the guests were busy unpacking their luggage in their rooms and did not yet sense that this might be their last sunset, that they were just taking their last calm breath.

I looked at the boys.  Billy, Seng, Poy, Metawin and Porsche were dressed all in black, Yoon and Yin chose white clothes, while the others looked like ordinary twenty-year-olds on vacation.  No one could suspect that they are part of a secret organization that rules the world.  Although no one knew it, we even had power over Louis Tomlison or Lewis Hamilton, both of whom were among our most faithful servants, blindly believing that our group called themselves the Illuminati.  Myths and legends about the Illuminati were circulated by our predecessors many years ago, before most of us came into the world.  We were recruited and trained to kill without batting an eyelid.  Initially, we were trained only to kill, only after passing the appropriate tests, the most intelligent of us moved to the next level: the one I got to.  But today my role ends.  This is the last task.

First on the list were First with Khaotung.  As expected, I found them in a bedroom in the last of the renovated cottages.  They were just getting ready for bed.  They stood with their backs to the door, staring out the window in pajamas.  First embraced Khaotung from behind, their heads touching each other.  I crossed the threshold as quietly as I could.  They felt nothing.  I signaled Pond to take care of Khao, which he did with a devilish grin on his face.  I promised them a quick death, so we couldn't hesitate.  I counted to three on my fingers while Pond and I fired our pistols simultaneously.  Pond aimed at Khao, I at First.

—  Don't count on a happy ending — I spoke English fluently and without stuttering.  Pretending that I had problems with the language was fantastic fun for me, as well as the fact that sometimes I could eavesdrop on some pretty interesting conversations.  People were not afraid to speak English around me because they thought I didn't know it.  Who knew I could speak it as fluently as Perth?  At my earlier request, Poy recorded everything on the phone.  Later, when I'm dead, he was supposed to share all the footage from my official Instagram account as Instastories.  — You shouldn't have  come here, you should have stayed home.

We didn't bother to cover our tracks.  Each of us knew our task, knew what we were responsible for, and understood that if the need arose, we would have to give our lives in order to continue something that had begun more than two hundred years earlier.

Next on my list were Off and Gun.  I had the biggest problem with them, because Gun tried to play the hero and begged me on his knees to at least spare their daughter, little Alice.  I just laughed and blew his head off first.  Stupid queer daddy!  However... However, I couldn't kill the little one.  I grabbed it and handed it to Win.

Don't Be Afraid To AskOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora