"Fine. You're spared Tanaka."

"Damn E you got Addams wrapped around your finger." Yoko joked which definitely didn't sit well with Wens.

"I have classes to get to. Goodbye Enid."

"Bye bye Wens! See you at the dorm!"

Wednesday walks off leaving Yoko, Divina, and I. Of course Yoko was smirking at me like she always does in these types of situations.

"Soo, you and Addams huh? You two official?"

"No we aren't official. I don't even know if she would want that."

Wednesday doesn't seem like the type to put labels on stuff. That would include boyfriends or girlfriends. I hope she would be okay with us being girlfriends, but I understand if she isn't okay with it.

"Enid. I say this with the love and kindness I have for you. ARE YOU STUPID? Of course Addams would want to be your girlfriend. Did you not see how jealous and defensive she got with me like come on."

"Yeah I guess but Wednesday is very unpredictable sometimes so like you never know. But uh we gotta get to class you guys we are going to be like REALLY late."

Yoko nods as we all go our separate ways to class.


Back in the dorm:

I walk into the dorm to find Wednesday sleeping on her bed. She's still in her uniform, shoes and all. The blanket isn't covering her either. Geez she's a mess today.

She's actually really cute like this. I'm going to snap a pic! She can kill me later for it.

I walk over to her bed and gently start taking her shoes off. Lord have mercy what size shoe does she wear?? These are so tiny!! Just like her! But she won't admit that like ever.

Once I got her shoes off which was a hassle, I lifted her up to put her under the covers. She's surprisingly very light. Well to me I guess seeing I am a werewolf and all.

I give her a soft kiss on the forehead before I head into the bathroom to take a shower. Usually I play my music while I take a shower but I don't want to wake up Willa. She clearly needs her rest.

Hopefully she's okay. Typically she doesn't take naps after school, or really ever. Since last night's incident, I'm really worried about her. I know I'm probably overthinking and being extra but I just don't like to see her hurting.

I finish up my shower and walk back out to the dorm. Wens was awake this time. She still looked very tired though.

"Did you take my shoes off and tuck me in?" She asked not making full eye contact with me.

"Yeah I did. Sorry if that wasn't okay! I just didn't want you to get cold, well colder than normal."

"It's fine Enid. Thank you. I didn't plan on falling asleep. It just happened for some reason."

I walk over to her bed once more and sit down next to her. Maybe she's sick? I put my hand to her forehead which makes her look at me confused.

"I'm making sure you're not getting sick."

"I don't get sick. And I've already checked anyways..."

She didn't feel warm so I don't think she's getting sick. Maybe she just overdid it today. I know that the classes she took are like really hard, especially that psychology class. Only like 12% of students are able to pass it.

I know what will make her feel better! I crawl under her covers and pat the spot next to me signaling for her to come and lay with me.

"Enid what are you doing."

I snuggle into her body and give her a peck on the cheek. Cuddle therapy!! My favorite! I know Wens enjoys it too, I can see it in her face.

"I'm cuddling you duh! You seemed like you needed a hug so."

There was a brief moment of silence before she spoke again.

"Can I...can I cuddle you instead..." Her face turned bright read.

Omg! Wens wants to be the little spoon!! Size wise that would make more sense but hey I'm down for however I can get cuddles!

"Of course!"

We change positions so that now she's laying her head on my chest.

"Can I take your braids out?"

"I suppose."


I begin to take out her braids as she stays laying on my chest. Once I got the braids out I run my fingers through her hair. I'm kinda shocked at how soft her hair is. I mean like I am but not surprised seeing Wednesday is like the best at everything she does. She's perfect.

My eyes wonder down to my chest to see her sleeping. She's so cute when she's sleeping! Not that she isn't cute when she's awake! She's just extra cute when she's asleep.

Bzz Bzzz

Wednesdays phone goes off. It's facing screen up on her nightstand. The message is a picture of Wednesday and I with the caption 'I'm watching you Addams.' Under the picture.

What the actual hell?!?!? Does she have a stalker now like the fuck?? I swear to god she can't catch a break at this stupid ass school.

I don't open her phone up because like privacy. The urge I had to delete the message so she wouldn't find out about it was very strong but I know that would only cause more issues.

Looks like I'll be accompanying Wens on another case.

Can't wait...

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