Carnal Desires

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CW: Dom!Reader, Sub!Tom, Cock sucking, cunnalingus, oral sex in general, Vaginal sex, Condom usage, Masc!Recieving aftercare, idk anymore i read a wikihow guide on how to put a condom and you should too (if u plan on having sex anytime soon)

word count: (2.3k words)


"I love you, Thomas William Hiddleston," you cupped his face. You rubbed your free hand across his neck, from his jugular all the way down to his collarbone in a cyclic manner. Your body rested above him in deep thought, wondering about how you wanted to tell him, "Tom?"

"Love?" he answered. God, when he spoke in that slow surly tone, you would be wet in minutes. His eyes were closed again. Tom was wondering how he got so lucky. How did he get you? Surely he didn't deserve you, he thought. But then again, if Tom and you weren't dating, how would he know that your next partner would treat you like the goddess you are?

"I was um-" you started, pausing with anxiety, "I was wondering if, uh, we could have sex."

Thomas' eyes shot open and his body lifted yours slightly to talk about what you had just said. He sat you upright, silently informing you that the topic you chose to wander through was one that needed to be taken seriously.

"Are you sure about this?" His body language was just screaming with fear. There could be so many things going wrong and with-

"It's your birthday," You interrupted his thoughts, "And I was actually supposed to ask you on Valentine's Day but I felt that was a bit too long for me to wait."

"We'll have to prepare," he spoke, his head racing with things he could and couldn't do to you, a hint of a grin plastered on his face.

"Exactly," You let your feelings shine through, there was no need to be vulnerable with Tom. He was your everything, "So I was thinking I could take you out to dinner and we could buy a box of condoms on the way home."

Tom's urge to kiss you outgrew his smile and within mere seconds, he had closed the distance between you both, holding your neck to pull you closer to him as he placed his free hand in between you both for support. His kiss was deep and had a sense of an amalgam of love and lust; your mind-boggling between the two. Fuck, he was a good kisser, "I'd love that."


"Thomas!" You scolded your boyfriend as he dabs a bit of frosting over your nose.

"Sorry darling, but you do look adorable when you're mad," Tom smiled down at you, watching you intently as he watched you scoop the cream off your nose and eat it, licking your finger in a sort of seductive manner. He couldn't lie, he thought it was silly and at the same time, he thought it was sexy.

You opened your apartment door and sat the bag on the table as you watched your lover eat a spoonful of ice cream cake he picked up at the convenience store. Hiddles was heart-meltingly adorable at dinner, always doing something to make you smile. He truly was a child at heart.

"Can I kiss you, Tom?" He nodded, leaving his cake to taste your sweet lips. Even though he was taller, he enjoyed it when you took control. He liked being under your control.

Tom's lips were a mesh of cake, ice cream and sugar. His breath was hot but he tasted cold. The feeling of opposites was so arousing to you, you could only pull his body closer to yours and drag his masculine figure towards the bed. It felt so good to be under him and yet own every single inch of him.

Birthday | Tom Hiddleston x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now