He's all yours

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His arms wrapped around your body, safekeeping what was his and cherishing the warmth. It had been a fairly decent time since Tom and you established a relationship, and this was his first birthday being your boyfriend.

You had a multitude of gifts prepared for your lover, a lovely morning breakfast, an afternoon at his favourite theatre, watching Macbeth thereafter sharing a cake at the local bakery and finally an evening at the roof of your dorm house; where you both shared your first kiss.

Thomas was a little hesitant, you being his first girlfriend and all, so he didn't really know what to say, or what to do. Bloody hell, he didn't even know how to kiss. And so he made the first move, engaging in a sloppy hash of a kiss, overcome by dopamine. His hands were wrapped around the hem of your neck and the curve of your waist, praying that you would react in a positive way, and even if you didn't, you would forgive him for his vulgar behaviour.
To his delight, you reciprocated his act of confession, tasting him with eagerness and longing.

He was your safe house.  Always putting you first; he'd like whatever food you liked, he'd like whatever you took an interest in, he'd like you. He was your best friend after all. And then he was falling, and he fell hard. Everything he did, he wanted your attention, your approval, your touch, your love.
He liked whenever you touched him, whenever you held his hand or pushed a strand of hair past his face. When you were going through a rough patch, he came to your dorm and took care of you, bathed you, and fed you. He was everything to you.

Tom's hand rand itself across your head, inhaling the scent of your hair, of your skin. He liked it when you slept on him: face on his chest, arm around his waist, legs between his. It felt so natural.
Thomas felt something at his collar bones and his ice-blue eyes shot open. It felt wet, and hot. You were giving him a hickey. You were marking him.

Tom felt a surge of blood downwards, and his face burned red so much that it hurt. He was always the one to mark you, to dominate you, to show leadership, so when you did that, fuck. He wanted nothing more than to melt in your body, and let you do whatever you wanted to him. It felt so comforting, to have you feel him. The real him.

Tom always felt people saw him as the well-mannered English man, chivalrous as always and the kindest person anyone could know. He knew deep down that he wasn't all that. He was just a man at heart. A man who could be rude and put his needs first. He could be the most terrifying person who could shout and break things, and the thought of Tom possessing this ability made him feel guilty. And so he became a people pleaser.

When Tom met you, you helped him realise that he didn't need to act like he was perfect, because he already was. You told him that just because he had the capability doesn't make him a bad person. He cried that night, tears were spilt on your cardigan as he held you tight, desperately wanting comfort and a sense of reassurance. He felt love.

He called your name, his forearm holding your body over his and you put an arm next to his head and above his shoulder to support yourself. Your other hand was generously roaming Tom's toned torso. Shit, he was hard.

"Good morning, Tommy," you greeted him, licking the love bite slightly before holding his face in your hand and staring into his eyes.

"Do you know what you do to me?" He growled. His voice was laced with lust.

Even though you both were still virgins, you were always comfortable with talking about your boundaries. Thomas respected your decision to wait until you were ready to have sex, and honestly, he knew the sex would be much better with you participating enthusiastically.

"I know," You smiled cheekily, "Happy Birthday."

He chuckled, his arm curled around your waist drawing you closer to him, "I love you."

"I love you, Thomas William Hiddleston."


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you guys praying for smut rn huh :]
24 votes and 240 comments under 24 hrs and I'll deliver 2k+ words smut (sub!tom blowjob, cunnalingus and first time seggs >:))

also special note to the loml thomas, who is one of the sole reason i keep going, thank u good sir, and I'm so happy for u and ur fam (congrats on the baby) <33

- nino :)

Birthday | Tom Hiddleston x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now