CHAPTER 1: The Organization goes to the other world.

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Third person POV:

Location: Imperial Capital, Court room.

Multiple high nobles were gathered in the court room to discuss the recent attack on the other world.

Marques Casel: Your majesty, it was an utter embarrassment. Losing 60% of our military might and having the enemy increase theirs ten fold, what will you have us do now??

While the nobles were worrying for the safety of the capital, the king was silent for a moment before speaking up.

Emperor Molt: Marques, think about how the people feel. While it is true that out latest loss have cost us our military advantage, the people worry that vassals of our state and others may attack the main capital with how weakened we are. Every time we are weakened, the emperor and the senate and the people band together to confront the danger head on. No war is won without any losses, therefore I will not hold anyone accountable. I trust none of you want to waste time in the court.

As the nobles began calming down, an old noble with a cane spoke up.

Noble: But now what shall we do? The army we have sent there has been defeated by the enemy, who in turn have already captured the gate. They surrounded Alnus Hill and are heavily guarding the area. Of course, we tried taking back the hill. However. . .

*Scene shifts to multiple sniper Nobodies and Xigbar dealing with long ranged attacks while Axel's Chakrams and fire sprouted around the entire battlefield.*

Noble: I've never seen such sorcery before. It was as if they were using sacred items from a past we've yet to uncover.

Suddenly, the room began to fill with tension and arguments as the nobles began bickering among themselves on what to do with the Gate and the strange people. The bickering stopped when the Emperor raised his hand, silencing everyone.

Emperor Molt: I do not wish to sit by as these fiends do as they please, therefore, we must fight back. Send messengers to all of our vassal states and as far as their horses can take them. Tell them that the empire requires their aid in defending against these otherworldly beings. *Stands up from his throne* We will lead the united army in an attack to reclaim Arnus Hill!!

While the others began cheering with excitement and praise for their emperor, Marques Casel had a different feeling. For some reason, he knew that this would not end in their favor. . .

Timeskip to night time:

Commander: The imperial army isn't coming??

Inside of a tent, the united army commanders began discussing among one another on their plan of attack.

Imperial soldier: The commander is facing the army as we speak. Therefore, he is unable to leave his current position.

Red general: Is that so? I didn't see that many enemies on the hill

Another general: Lord Duran, the imperial army is holding the enemy at bay in our place.

Soldier: We would like your armies to attack the enemy at sunrise tomorrow.

The generals agreed on the attack and started bickering among who would lead the charge. Just as the Imperial soldier left the campsite, strands of darkness began engulfing the soldiers before a young man with silver hair and a black coat appeared in his place. 

Zexion simply smiled, closed his Lexicon before opening a portal to head back to Arnus hill.

The next morning:

The united armies began their march towards Arnus hill. Lord Duran was still at the tents when he had learned that the Imperial army was still no where to be seen. Over with the other generals, they too were worried about the lack of Imperial soldiers present in the area.

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