Part 1

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A/N- Jst to note, Eyrina is not related to the sullys

Eyrina pov~

"Lo'ak!" Tuk cried from where we were sat. I turn my head to see Lo'ak and neteyam standing Infront of the ikran and Jake standing Infront of them.

They had just returned from the battle field, it looked as if Jake was lecturing them. Tuk and I make our way over to the three.

"I let you two genesis fly a mission and u disobey direct orders!" Jake howled, what did they do this time. I go behind Lo'ak checking for any wounds, Kiri does the same on neteyam and tuk copies us

"I-I'm sorry sir, I take full responsibility" neteyam stutters out, I roll my eyes knowing dam well it was lo'aks fault but I do not speak.

"Yea you do! Because your that older brother that's what you do!" He shouts once again "girls can you please go help your grandmother with the wounded" Jake says to his daughters and I, obviously annoyed.

"My brother is wounded" Kiri speaks "no it's fine" neteyam says, Lo'ak turns his head to me and makes eye contact, I kiss his shoulder "just go girls go, go!" Jake said shooing his daughters off,  I still stand next to Lo'ak patiently waiting for this lecture to end.

"Rina go" jake says Stern while facing me "my boyfriend and his brother are wounded, I'm not going anywhere untill they are ok" I state staring straight back at him

"Rina, go I'll meet you there" Lo'ak said hanging his head low  "Lo'ak-" I rushed to speak but rudely interrupted by Jake "listen to your boyfriend" he said looking at me getting more pissed off, I hissed at him and walked away towards Kiri and tuk to help them with the wounded.

"Your dad is such a skxawng!" I say with frustration while waking into the hut, I sit next to Kiri and tul crawls into my lap.

Jake and I have a fartherly bond, but sometimes he actually try's to act like my farther which annoys me.

"Rina! Rina!" Tuk says knocking me out of my own world "yes tuktuk?" I said slightly leaning my head to see her face properly "can I do you hair, pleaseee" she begged while standing up.

I keep my hair unbraided most of the time, no reason why, I Jst never braid it I never have time to, I sigh "ok tuk you can do my hair, no sizers tho" I spoke softly she smiled brighter then the sun, she always managed to make everyone around her smile no matter what situation, she was Jst a big ball of sunshine.

She starts playing with my hair as I mix a few herbs for the wounded, i start to wonder in my own world again, remembering when my mother used to teach me how to heal before her and dad passed away.

They had died in one of the loot runs, awhile ago I was about 6 or 7, from then I grew up with the sullys, although I did not stay in their hut I would always go over for breakfast lunch and dinner, me and Lo'ak were inseparable. Two years ago he ask me to be his girlfriend. I smiled at that memory, I had the fattest crush on him since we were little.

I smiled to myself while crushing the herbs "rina?" Tuk said "yea tuktuk" I responded still smiling to myself "I finished!" She said with joy in her voice, I smiled and turned to her, "do I look pretty?" I said smiling "yes!" Tuk answered I grabbed a mirror and looked at what tuk had done.

She put smal messy braids all through out my hair leaving majority of it out, whatever was in braids she had put beads and strings and what not in to it "very pretty tuk!" I exclaimed while giving her a small hug, as I pulled away from the hug neteyam and Lo'ak came through the door.

I attended to Lo'ak sitting him down and Kiri sat neteyam down infront of their grandmother. I lift up lo'aks arm seeing a cut starting from his armpit down to his rib cage. Nothing intense it was small but I still cleaned and tended to it. Once I finished I sat infront of him "was it fun" I questioned him genuinely curious "it was so cool!" He said smiling "we got down there and I grabbed a gun and then this shop came crashing down sending me and neteyam flying" He Expressed excitedly I smiled at his adventure he was explaining to me and his big smile while talking abt it

"What?" He Said softly chuckle and turning his head, "your staring" He said once again smirking "oh shut up" I said looking away flushed as I packed up the supplies I had used on him.

He reached for my hand making me look at him and he leaned in and kissed my cheek "EW!" Tuk said loudly causing everyone in this small hut to look our way. I quickly gathered the supplies and walked to put it all away embarrassed and then Walked out the hut with my face burning, it was really hot all of a sudden.

Time skip

It was now night and I was sitting on the edge of our beautiful home, watching the night forest slowly light up, it's so pretty "hey" a recognisable voice spoke from behind "hey Lo'ak" I said not bothering to look back. He sat down next to me, put his hand over my shoulder and placed a soft kiss on my cheek, I smile and lay my head on his shoulder.

"So I was thinking" he spoke up, I lifted my head to look at him "tomorrow if you don't have anything to do, if you wanna come with me Kiri and spider to the old battle field?" He said again ask me, I thought about it considering the consequences it would hold "come on it'll be fun" he said again pulling me in "yea ok, but if I get in trouble I will skin you" I said to him

"No you won't, you love me to much" he said slightly chuckling. I layed back looking up towards the sky and Lo'ak joined me. We didn't speak there was nothing to say, we layed there and cuddled slowly falling ALSEEP on the hard rock floor.


HIII🤗 this is my first time writing smt like this so please if there's anything I can improve on feel free to leave a note:)! Anyway thank for reading🤩🤩

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