party - JJ (smut)

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Requested by JJ0latunji


Y/n pov

"Hey y/n come here real quick" JJ shouted from the bedroom.
"1 min" I say to the others before wondering off into mine and JJ's room.

"Lookin' cute" I notice touching the bare bit of JJ's chest that was poking out the to of his half unbottoned shirt.
"Thanks baby. I got something for you" He snickered devilishly.
"Okay" I say smiling at him eagerly awaiting his surprise for me.

I closed my eyes like he asked and held my hands out. A box was placed delicately on my warm palms.
"Open" He said.
My eyes cracked open and ran towards my plams. There sat a hot pink bluetooth vibrator fresh in the box.
"JJ-" I look back up at him innocently.
"Come on it will be fun" He smiled taking the box from me and ripping it open eagerly.
"At the party? What if I get super drunk and start fucking orgasming in front of everyone?" I ask watching him setting up the bluetooth with his phone.
He stopped his actions for a second looking up at me.
"That'd be fucking hot" He laughed causing me to join in.

JJ lifted my tight red dress while I bent over the bed. He slipped my matching underware to the side before inserting the small vibrator into me. A almost inaudible gasp escaped my lips as he began pushing the toy to my G spot.

"Lets test it" JJ said coving me over again.
I stood up awaiting the vibrating sensation to start.
*knock knock knock*
"Shit" JJ said.
The vibration struck me on full power causing my legs to go weak instantly.
"Yo you guys ready? The ubers here" Simon said entering the room.
JJ had a firm grip on his phone that hung by his side. I could see on the screen that he put the vibrator on full.
"Uh yeh...yeh we're ready" JJ said looking back at me noticing I was biting my lip to hold back my pleasurefull moans.
He pulled his phone up turning the vibration off completely. I straightened out my legs fully and stood up as well as letting my teeth detatch from my bottom lip.
"Yeh let uh.. I'm gonna grab my bag" I say followed by a cough then a slightly awkward silence.
"Cool" Simon said blankly before walking out.

I looked to JJ smacking his arm.
"Why did you do that?" I ask.
He began laughing loudly like he wanted the world to hear.
"It's not funny" I shrug being fully serious.
JJ eventually slowed his laughter down.
"Grab your bag lets go" He said a smile still present on his handsome face.

We made our way to the uber with Simon, Talia, Freya and Josh. Freya, Talia and Simon sat in the back of the car Josh sat in the front where as me and JJ had the back back to ourselves.

JJ looked at me he practically spoke with his eyes.
"No. Not right no-"
I was cut off by my vibrator spiking. My head threw back and I let my breathing get uneven and heavy.
JJ chuckled staring out the window. He wasn't even looking at me and seeing the effect he had. He was doing it to get on my nerves and he done it sucsessfully.

We soon arrived at the party. JJ was occasionally spiking the speed of the vibrations while we drove here just to get me all hot and annoyed.

Little fucker.

The whole group was here not for any reason just for the jokes. Calfreezy, callux, willne, chip (ect ect i aint going on)

Will offered us all drinks so of corse we all said yes. Calfreezy joined him to to have a little catch up. Don't blame him alots gone on in the 2 years that we all wish we could forget.

"I ain't seen you in a long time" Harry hugged me tightly.
Of corse I hugged back smiling widley. Harry and I have always had the best friendship out of all JJ's friends. He was the first one of JJ's friends I met.

"How are you?" I ask starting convostaion.
"I'm fine I'm fine you?"
"Yeh I'm fi-" I felt the vibrator turn on causing me to slur my words and take a deep breath.
I looked around for JJ. I soon spotted him staring holes into me from a far. A smug smirk sprawled all over his face.
"Yeh I'm fine" I finish my sentence biting my lip straight after to make sure no other sound came out.
"Hows JJ? You guys going strong?" Harry asked awkwardly noticing my discomfort. He probably thinks I'm uncomfortable around him or somthing, bless him.
"Yeh. He's a bit annoying to hang around all the time but other than that it's-" The vibrator spiked to full speed causing me to almost fall over.
"It's going good" I finish off my sentence.
"Cool cool. I gotta go find Chip. It was nice speaking to ya though"
"Yeh bye" I say walking a quick pace over to JJ.
"Fuck you. What was that?" I ask smacking his arm lightly.
"It's for all those times you teased me" He smirked not looking at me staring into the crowd mixed with our friends and strangers.
I roll my eyes at him with a loud annoyed sigh followed after.
"Hey y/n I got your drink" I heard Will's voice eminating from somewhere around me.
"Oh thanks Will" I say taking the drink from him.
"No problem" He smiled walking off into the crowd.

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