Chapter 1: The Daughters

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Daniela: Do you think he's awake now sisters?

Bela: I do not know, and from the looks of it I don't know if this man thing will wake up

Cassandra: Well if this human doesn't wake up then that means I can have my fun with him(Chuckles)

Bela: Cass no, mother wants him alive and awake as soon as possible so don't even think of trying to hurt him, do you want me to tell mother on you that you try to hurt our guest you do this every single time someone new enters especially when they're weak and injured!

Cassandra: Ugh! seriously you always have to ruin my fun when someone new comes to the castle don't you

Bela: No I'm just trying to keep you in line cause I don't want mother to scold you like she did the last time!

Cassandra: Your no fun you know that...

Daniela: Sisters look the man thing is waking up!

Joshua: W-where am I...who...who are you away from me(I cowered in fear as I backed away from the strange women surrounding the bed)

Bela: Easy easy little one were not here to harm you, our mother found you outside our gates you passed out and our mom brought you in our castle

Joshua: Wha-what happened to me, argh why does my body hurt so much w-why can't I move

Bela: Your body sustained serious injuries when you were brought in, your leg and arm is broken and you sustained some head trauma as well and you have a missing eye as well

Joshua: long was I out for?

Bela: You were out for quite awhile, me and my sisters kept an eye on you an made sure that you were ok, but since your awake please allow me to introduce myself and my sisters, I am Bela Dimitrescu the eldest of the two and these two are Cassandra and Daniela

Daniela: Nice to meet you cutie(Smiles)

Cassandra: Yeah yeah nice to meet you(Spoke in a sarcastic tone)

Bela: Cassandra!

Cassandra: What?!

Bela: Don't be rude to our guest!

Cassandra: Ok fine! it's nice to meet you man thing, there you happy now sis

Bela: You know what Cass just leave if your going to be like that to our guest

Cassandra: Whatever!(Swarms off leaving the other two)

Bela: I am so sorry for my sister's rudeness, Daniela why don't you stay here and keep our guest company

Daniela: Ok sis

Bela: I'll be right back dear I need to go have a word with my sister I'll come back an check on you ok, for now get some rest you'll need it cause my mother will want to speak with you in the morning(Joshua nods his head at Bela as she departs to go have a word with her sister)

(Meanwhile in Cassandra's room)

Cassandra: (Sighs)I can hear you behind me Bela(Turns around and see's her sister standing in front of her)

Bela: What the fuck was that about Cass!

Cassandra: What do you mean!

Bela: About what happened back there, you didn't have to be so mean to our guest like that, you could've been nicer to them

Cassandra: And why should I be nice to them, you know I'm not into introductions you know this Bela!

Bela: I do not care, we show respect to those that we allow into our castle

Cassandra: Oh ok yeah like that's gonna happen with me, I don't know why you didn't just let me kill him on the spot he was easy food for us!

Bela: Mother wanted him alive so that she could speak to him so that he can explain to us what happened to him and furthermore I'm trying to keep you out of trouble so that way mother doesn't get angry with you sis, I'm just looking out for you that's all I'm I am giving you a choice you either apologize to the man thing tonight or, I tell mother that you were trying to harm our guest so, what's it going to be

Cassandra:(Sighs and groans)I have no say in this do I

Bela: No you do not...I'll give you some time to think about it(Swarms off leaving Cassandra to think as she went back to the guest room)I am back little one I am so sorry for what happened earlier forgive my sister she can be rude sometimes

Joshua: It's ok 

Bela:(Scoffs)How rude of me, I never even asked what your name was dear

Joshua: I'm Joshua it's nice to meet you

Bela: It's nice to meet you as well little man, Daniela can you leave the two of us be I would like to speak with the man alone in private

Daniela: Okie dokie sis(Leaves the room)

Bela:(Sighs)I'm sorry you had to witness that

Joshua: It's fine, I guess being the oldest isn't easy is it

Bela: Your certainly right about that

Joshua: Though I do have a question if you don't mind me asking of course

Bela: And what is your question

Joshua: How do you and your sisters turn into flies is it like a super power or an ability

Bela: Let's just say we're not normal humans, we are actually mutants with special abilities were kind of like vampires that kill and eat people but we swarm into flies, that's all I can say really let's just leave it at that

Joshua: Oh ok, I'm sorry if it was a bit personal

Bela: No no no your fine, it's just that not many people ask us that and they just get killed if they intrude our home an try to figure out our weakness to take me and my family out

Joshua: I see, well I think it's time for me to get some sleep I'm getting pretty tired

Bela: Well then I wish you a good night, just get some rest I will check on you in the morning ok

Joshua: I will and thank you Bela

Bela: Of course(Turns off the bedroom light and closes the door leaving the man alone)

(Small Time skip)

(As Night continues everything was quiet until Cassandra entered the guest room)

Joshua:(As I was fast asleep I felt a tap on my shoulder and as I opened my eyes to see what it was, it was Bela's sister Cassandra her yellow eyes glowing as she was standing over me I gasped with fright)n-no please, please don't hurt me

Cassandra:(Sighs)Look can we just talk I'm not here to harm you or cause anymore trouble, I just need to talk to you is all(Sits next to the man thing)look I'm, I'm deeply sorry for my actions I am usually not like that towards people it's just that we've allowed to many outsiders in our castle and all they do is try and find our weakness and use it to take us all out, that's why I acted the way I did earlier...can you forgive me I understand if your still scared of me...

Joshua: I accept your apology Cassandra, though it'll probably take time for me to get used to you and your family

Cassandra: And if I'm not mistaken I'm pretty sure my sister told you of what we are right?

Joshua: Yes she did

Cassandra: Well  I'm sure she didn't tell you of our weakness did she?

Joshua: She didn't tell me about that, she didn't want to explain it any further and just leave it at that

Cassandra: Well good cause if she'd told you I'd have to kill you(Chuckles)I'm just kidding but no seriously our weakness is the cold and it's a secret we don't want anyone to know or else they can use it against us and we will most likely die

Joshua: I see, well I honestly don't understand why anyone would want to harm you three, if I'm being modest I've never seen such beautiful women such as your or your sisters

Cassandra: Well I um, I never expected such a compliment from a man like you, but I can quickly see you growing on me which is something I'm not used to but uh thank you for those kind words, and you know what your not so bad yourself man thing though I never did catch your name

Joshua: It's Joshua

Cassandra: That's a nice name, but um can we please keep this between you and I, I don't want Bela to find out that I told you of our weakness

Joshua: I promise to not say anything

Cassandra: Good...well I hope you have a good night, we will see you in the morning(Smiles as she puts her hand on his shoulder)good night sweetie

Joshua: Good night Cassandra(She smiles at me before leaving me to rest)

(As Cassandra makes her way back towards her room she was stopped by Bela)

Bela: I see you made amends to our guest didn't you

Cassandra: As a matter of fact yes and I honestly made him feel a lot better

Bela: Well I'm glad you decided to be the bigger sister

Cassandra: Just don't let that get to your head sis

Bela:(Chuckles)Well alright then I will see you in the morning good night Cass(Both wave each other off going to their separate rooms for the night)

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