"Haha! Good luck!" Dorian laughed loudly and walked away. He decided that if he wanted to be with his sister he would have to wait for the men to leave. That thought made him chuckle to himself.

He found charts that needed to be done in order to keep himself busy and he hadn't actually been assigned anywhere.


"Oh, oh! On the table, keep me draped. Too many people have seen me naked already. I'd like to keep whatever dignity I have left." Meredith demanded as George pushed her gurney, clearly not happy at the situation he had been placed in. Dorian walked by her side, grimacing at her talking about herself naked.

"McSteamy? McSteamy! Woo-hoo!" Meredith exclaimed loudly making George sigh.

"Meredith!" He chided like she was a kid rubbing her hands over thousand year old artefacts at the museum. Dorian just elbowed him lightly and nodded his head towards Mark who began walking towards them.

"You're still calling me that? McSteamy?" He smiled down at the sister of his boyfriend who seemed rather out of her mind on pain killers.

"Yeah but you were never supposed to know that," she laughed, her hand leaning on George's arm. Dorian watched on with a smirk as George looked rather uncomfortable with the whole situation. It wasn't easy for him to be considered one of 'the girls'.

"How's my favourite dirty mistress?" Mark asked, to anyone else it would seem like he was just being friendly but in truth he was using the conversation as a catchup, drugs or no drugs. Meredith was more like a sister to Mark than the sister of his boyfriend. Their relationship was more than that of what he would consider an 'in-law' at this stage of his and Dorian's relationship.

"Haven't you heard? Now, I'm an adulterous whore!" Meredith yelled for the whole hospital to hear, she is definitely going to regret that when she wakes up. Dorian will never, ever let her forget it.

"I'm sorry Doctor Sloan, she has to get to the OR" George interuppted awkwardly, not knowing how to address Mark now they were in a professional setting.

"Okay, I'll see you after surgery." He assured Meredith and turned away to Dorian who kissed his cheek before leaving for the nurses station he was working some charts at.


"I'll leave so you guys can talk" Dorian muttered, seeing the serious look on Derek's face, he left. Dorian knew when his presence wasn't needed nor wanted and this was one of those times.

As Dorian left he heard Meredith asking Derek about her experience on morphine but that was all he heard. He wasn't interested on eavesdropping, if it was important or something Meredith even wanted to share with him then she would. Forcing her to talk or listening into her private conversations wasn't really his style.

No, instead he opted to finish up some charts and then leave. His shift was almost over, the charts were voluntary but he didn't like the thought of having more work later on, it was just more effort he really could be bothered spending on charts.

Dorian ran over the events of the day silently in his head. It had been a strange day to say the least, Meredith, who had never been hospitalised before, needed her appendix removed. Mark joined the surgical staff at the hospital, a surefire way to prove to Dorian that the was serious about staying and staying with him. Then there was the man who set himself on fire that morning. The day, in rapid succession, had left him feeling exhausted despite not doing as much work as usual due to his sister being hospitalised. It was frustrating for him to say the least.

The charts he was working on slowly but surely diminished in numbers, from five to one left. All he had to do was fill out a few key points of the patient and bam! He was finished. Sighing to himself, he placed them back where he picked them up from and left for the locker room.

Dorian Grey (Mark Sloan x O/c)Where stories live. Discover now