And not a day goes by where I don't think I feel the same

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     I opened the door to maxxie and I's apartment and basically collapsed onto our couch "God it feels good to be home!" "You can say that again!" Max said collapsing on top of me suddenly my ring tone was blasting "Come on Max I can't reach my phone!" "But you're so comfy!" Max said rolling off of my me "It's my warped tour ringtone!" Max looked at me with widened eyes as I answered my phone "Hello?"
"Hey Savannah! Kevin here I think you know why I'm calling" I put the call on speaker "Is it to tell me I'm playing the main stage at warped tour?"
"Well not main stage but yes I want you apart of the 2017 warped tour so what do you say?" Maxxie and I exchanged excited glances "Absolutely!" I paused for a minute "Hey if it's not too much to ask would you consider including Bad Omens in the line up? I just toured with them and they are incredible the lead singer is insanely talented and the crowd went crazy for them I think they'd be a great addition" there was silence for a minute "Well if you're speaking so highly of them I'll check them out thank you for the recommendation Savannah I'll see you in June!" Maxxie just grinned at me "I think they'd make a great addition" Maxxie said in a mocking tone "OH my god leave me alone it's a great opportunity and Noah deserves it" "Yea I know but making fun of you is fun you've never been interested in anybody or dated anybody it's cute" I just rolled my eyes  "It's not cute I'm taking an after tour nap see you tomorrow most likely" I shut the door behind me and hopped into bed.

*Noah's p.o.v*

     "Nick homie I love you but I swear to God you are the SLOWEST driver you made a 15 hour drive feel like 20"
"Well excuse me speed racer I didn't feel like getting pulled over you know there's a bunch of laws on driving busses and multiple people remember when we got harrased driving a van?"
My phone started buzzing in my pocket "Sorry man I'd love to argue more but I have to take a phone call" Nick just rolled his eyes at me "Yea nice excuse dude" I just waved him off as I walked away answering my phone "Hello?"
"Hey it's Kevin Lyman I'm looking for a Noah Sebastian?"
"Uh speaking how can I help you sir?" I could feel my heart pounding in my chest
"Well I just got off the phone with someone who sounds like a good friend of yours she spoke very highly of you and asked for your to be apart of the next warped tour"
"Was it Savannah? Does this mean we'll both be apart of the tour?"
"Yes indeed she really stuck her neck out for you so I checked out a few of your performances I can see why she advocated for you so what do you say Noah is bad omens gunna join the line up?"
I paused for a moment to collect myself I can not believe this is happening "Absolutely sir thank you so much for this opportunity"
"Hey anytime man see you in June!" I immediately texted the band group chat to let them know we're playing at warped. I heard a muffled scream in the distance before Nick ran out into our hallway "Dude are you for real right now!?"
"Hell yea dude I just got off with Kevin himself Savannah suggested us and he listened"
"Dude you have the best girlfriend ever"
"Not my girlfriend but she is great" I smiled and texted Savannah"I  hope you know you're the best" my phone buzzed immediately "OH I know and you're welcome ;)" I just chuckled and put my phone away "Hey do you think we should get a jump on packing?"
"Dude we don't leave for another 4 months"
"Yea I know but we do have a whole ass apartment and I'd hate to leave it all last minute"
"Well I was driving for 20 hours so I'm gunna sleep you can start if you want"
"So you admit it was a 20 hour drive!" Nick just flipped me off and retreated back into his room I headed into our kitchen and started packing.

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