2. Why can't I resist him?

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Does he always do that or is it only for me? I wanted to ask something like this to him

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Does he always do that or is it only for me? I wanted to ask something like this to him. " Hey can I get a cigerette? " one of the girls said as she walked outside with everyone, pointing Heeseung's hand.
" Yeah..." he paused looking at me. " I only have one now " he broke the eye contact. Maybe he wasn't intentionally saying it to me, but i just felt like he was asking me to take this chance - which i did. I grabbed the cigerette out of his hand and put it in between my lips. He chuckled. When the girl left, he just gently took the cigerette out of my lips, making me flustered. " you don't need to do that " He whispered.

It was almost late and everyone was wasted. We decided to go back finally.
" will you be okay going by yourself? or should i- " Heeseung was cut off by a girl from his class who was also there to drink. She was hitting on him from the very first minute and she finally had her chance as I was going back home.
" Heeseung, let's go for another round " she seductively said, which made me a little uncomfortable. Heeseung smirked and nodded to her. " Then see you around Y/n " he said hastily and went inside the shop again, leaving me outside. I didn't want to look pathetic but it annoyed me how Heeseung interacted with that girl. " What are you thinking Y/n? You're watching the real Heeseung " Minji said, putting her arm around my shoulder. I didn't understand what she meant. " C'mon, everyone knows how he is! he is not committed to any girl. He just likes to play around with everyone - don't get your hopes up. He's a total red flag "

I thought about it the whole night, whether Minji was right or not. Well i encountered the playboy side of Heeseung myself, but something was still telling me that he's not that bad.

I had continuous classes the next day - i only met Minji during lunch. Talking about Minji, we met in our 1st year of college. She was the coolest person I've known in the campus. She helped me dealing with my ex, i mean she is the one who warned me about him a long time ago and i didn't listen to her at that time. She's nice and frank and the best thing about her is that she's a total information center. There's nothing about the college that she doesn't know. That's why, i also went to her to grab some information about Heeseung.

" Lee Heeseung? " she scoffed, with her mouth full of rice. I thought she was just making fun of me for asking about a guy but that wasn't the case in real. " Lee Heeseung is like a flower " she laughed again. " What are you talking? be serious Minji " I jeered thinking she was joking.
" It is true. He's like a flower. Flowers never bloom for only one butterfly. " I gulped, knowing what she meant by that metaphor. I believed her words, because she was expert in such cases and reviewing my history with my ex, i thought avoiding Heeseung was the best option for me. At least I thought i would.

" Can i join you? " a familiar voice echoed in my ears. As I turned my head, I found Heeseung already sitting next to me, looking at me with his innocent eyes. " Are you okay?! " he said as I was spacing out and crawled his hand in my face. His hand was warm. I looked at Minji who was already smirking at me and it made me embarrassed to be honest. I failed to stick to my decision already but how could i just avoid a person sitting next to me? " Y/n, look at me " Heeseung suddenly said, stealing my attention. He softly laughed and wiped the corner of my lips, showing marks of sauce which was probably on my face. I felt more embarrassed. Just when I was eating again, I felt odd about Heeseung. I felt like he was doing things on purpose, as if they were all well calculated. Maybe he did it more than once, with multiple girls and just the thought of it , made me uncomfortable.
" So you have classes now?! " Heeseung asked as we were heading outside. Minji separated ways as she had to leave for something important, so it was only me and him. " No, i don't. I'm just gonna - "

" Do you want to grab a drink with me? " Heesung cut me off. He was excited when he asked me - i couldn't possibly say no to him at that point but i also knew that it wasn't the only reason I said yes to the drink.

We both entered a shop near our college ; it was busy that day and there was barely any spot to find. There were people who were wasted although it was only early evening and it made me feel uneasy among those drunk men. Heeseung probably noticed me holding my nose in disgust, and after few minutes he offered me to leave the place. " but our drinks are almost ready " I said even if it was his money that was going to go wasted. " we'll drink some other day! " Low-key i really appreciated that he said so. Then we went to a convenience store to buy a coke instead - we wanted drink something at least.

I found myself starring at the huge fridge that had several soft drinks lining up according their brands. One thing I hate about myself is that it takes me long time to decide something, no matter how small that thing is. I pouted naturally as I was confused what drink i should go for. And suddenly, I felt Heeseung standing right behind me as he whispered in my ears " Should I choose something for you? " It startled me and i immediately looked behind - his face was just few centimetres away from mine. It felt like he cornered me against the refrigerator, which made me blush hard. Seeing the reaction, he couldn't help but laugh and showed me a bottle of lime juice. " I was talking about this y/n! " . Ugh I embarrassed myself again.

We sat in one of the seats inside the store, infront of the big glass window that was giving the view of street. Heeseung opened my bottle without me noticing. It felt warm sitting next to him in the convenience store, unlike how it used to feel like with that jerk. " the moon looks pretty today " i said looking outside, at the sky which was already dark. " It is indeed " Heeseung said with a soft tone, but looking at me which made me redden again. He knew what he was doing, didn't he? That's why he was looking at me, like that, from that angle with that look?

" Heeseung " we broke the eye contact as some girl called his name, leading us to look in her direction. She was tall and beautiful and was almost looking like of our age. " Heeseung? you already forgot me didn't you? we met at Sohee's party and you promised me to meet again soon. But you never contacted me " she continuously muttered, holding one of Heeseung's arm, leaving me completely awkward. " Oh Yoona?! what a present surprise. I actually got a bit busy after the party but I swear, your face never left my head. " Wow! Heeseung knows how to flirt smoothly i thought. " wanna go for a drink? " she asked with a smirk - i exactly knew what her smirk meant. Heeseung looked at me immediately, which made me think maybe he'd refuse to go because he was with me.

" Yeah! I'd like that " he responded. Then he again looked at me, just to see my reaction probably . " I'm sorry Y/n but I gotta go. See you tomorrow " he said and left with the girl smilingly, leaving me at store.

𝗜 𝗞𝗻𝗲𝘄 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗪𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗔 𝗧𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗲   | Lee Heeseung x EngeneWhere stories live. Discover now