audentes fortuna iuvat

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 She had heard before, quite a few times, that life is what happens while we make plans. It didn't feel that way in that stonewalled chamber, surrounded by hostile supernatural creatures. In the oppressive atmosphere of the cold room, watched by the vigilant eyes of cold ones, it felt like life was happening while she made a decision. Because in a few seconds, the entire path ahead of her could take such different turns depending on her answer that she had two completely different lives sprawled before her.

Unlike making plans and letting life unfold itself instead of acting, making decisions of that importance was quick and dramatic. She couldn't take too long, none of the vampires looking at her would give her time.

Time. Ungrateful little thing, always escaping.

"Uhm, I..."

She glanced at her Edward, still clinging to him in her damp clothes, and he frowned at her hesitation. Was it there? The reassurance she wanted, the certainty that she would be immortal one day? But his eyes were charcoal and let nothing through. She searched for Alice's eyes and there it was, the firm gaze that promised her the future she deserved.

Does it matter, though? If she left before even when she didn't want to, just because he said so...



She looked down but soon searched his face again. His frown was much more pronounced, creases cutting as deep as her desire to belong. She couldn't bear the sight of his shock and disappointment, and yet she felt angry. Wet anger, the type that makes you yell and cry at the same time.

"She doesn't mean that. She..."

What was she taking on? She didn't really know, but she hoped. She hoped that she was grabbing the only real chance of becoming immortal that would ever be presented to her, she hoped that she would be able to leave that place one day, and more than anything else, she hoped he would forgive her and take her back.

Her eyes were pleading with his, but he just shook his head. He shook his head a lot and murmured again and again that she didn't mean that, she was tired, she didn't know what she was accepting. His grip on her was verging on painful and yet she clung to him, she would do so for as long as she could. She would cling to him forever if she could.

"Edward, my dear," Aro sighed and Bella finally noticed the condescension that marred his sweet words, "we are all entitled to our free will, even the young ones. Bella should be able to make her own decisions."

"Is that really your decision?"

She choked on her words, took a breath, and tried again. He was getting angry too and her own anger gave way to the empty sadness she felt when he left. She was finally being given a real choice and the truth was that she wanted to take that opportunity. She could deal with whatever else that entailed in due time. For now, she had to take her chance at immortality.

My thoughts are safe. I can become immortal and serve them for however long I have to and then I'll be free, and they don't have to know I don't want to stay. I can pay my debt and go back to you, Edward. Please, please understand. Please forgive me.

Sadly, her thoughts were safe from him as well and she could only hope he could read them on her face. With sudden determination, the answer jumped from her lips.

"It is."

He gawked, stunned. Alice must have seen something because his head whipped in her direction. It was back to Bella in a split second, his voice betraying an edge of desperation.

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