Start from the beginning

"Yeah, it's relaxing to me. I like being able to create something good out of nothing."

"Is that what you're doing with me?" She joked, but his head snapped up, a frown on his face now.

He paused with the groceries, setting the lettuce down on the island.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I don't know," she fiddled with her hands, feeling like she'd upset him. She'd never made him mad before, she didn't want to know. "That was stupid, I'm sorry, it—it was just a joke."

"Hey," he walked towards her, grabbing her hands and looking up at her. "Is that how you feel about this?"

Willow shrugged meekly, stomach tying in knots. "I don't know. Maybe."

"Oh, querida," he shook his head, squeezing her hands and moving closer to her, his body standing in between her legs. "No, you're not a project. You're a gift. Knowing you, it's...I'm so lucky to know you. I'm lucky to spend time with you and joke with you and cook for you. I believe the stars aligned just right enough for us to meet, as messily as we did, so that I could feel as happy as I do with you.

"You're my future, Willow, not something I'm trying to fix. There's nothing about you to fix. Everyone has something to work on, you just haven't dealt with everything properly. But you're doing so well and I'm so proud of you," he reached a hand up to her tearful gaze and brushed back a piece of her hair. "I absolutely love knowing you, princesa. You make breathing easier, I—I can't picture my life without you now."

Willow took a shaky breath and wiped a tear that had slipped from her eyes. She pulled him to her and held him close, his head on her chest this time, listening to her heartbeat. Steady, patient, gentle.

"I can't picture mine without you either," she said quietly. "You're...you're everything."

His arms wrapped around her waist, embracing her lovingly, he breathed in deeply. Vanilla and coconut. Always the same, always sweet and warm and good.

"You're my everything," he pulled back, resting his hands on her cheeks. "Don't ever think otherwise, okay princesa?"

Willow nodded and he half-smiled before pulling back altogether.

"Please tell me you have a cutting board?"

"Hello?" Willow answered her phone as Pedro paused the movie, halfway through Chamber of Secrets.

"Good evening, Miss Sandler, this is Detective Hoffman of the LAPD Department," a woman's voice spoke through the other end. "I understand you live in New York City at this point in time, is that correct?"

Willow looked at Pedro in confusion, and he leaned closer to hear the call.

"That is correct, yes."

"Wonderful, thank you for clarifying. We have debriefed with the NYPD, but we've decided to take this case upon ourselves to die to the public nature of your case."

"My case?" Willow asked in confusion, heart thumping against her rib cage.

"Miss Sandler, we're reopening the investigation of your mother's car accident. I'd love if we could speak on the matter more in depth? It doesn't have to be now, I understand it's late. But as soon as possible, would be best."

INVISIBLE STRING ― pedro pascalWhere stories live. Discover now