Chapter 8

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A/N: Sorry for not posting any more chapters, I've been dealing with problems at school and outside of school, so I've been busy. I promise I will try and post more chapters from now on. But anyways, here you go.

TW: There are talks about torture, murder and the normal Criminal Minds stuff.


Hotch: Welcome back Y/N

Y/N: Thank you Hotch.

Spencer: Are you okay, Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah, I am, thank you Spencer

Prentiss: Why were you upset?

Y/N: I was just having some self doubt thoughts

Rossi: Who keeps stealing my pens? Was it you, Morgan?

Morgan: Why are you blaming me?

Rossi: Because you're the one who's most likely to do it.

JJ: I think it was Morgan.

Morgan: It wasn't me, I swear. Baby girl, you know it wasn't me, right.

Penelope: I'm sorry chocolate thunder, it shows on the camera that it was you

Morgan: Why would you out me like that baby girl?

Hotch: Morgan, you shouldn't steal people stuff

Morgan: Fine, Hotchypoo. Sorry Papa Rossi.

Hotch: Don't call me that.

Penelope: Anyway, we've got a case, and it's really bad.

Hotch: Are you sure you want to join, Y/N?

Y/N: Yes, I'm sure.

Y/N's POV: 

"So, two bodies have been found. Each have been dropped in a ditch off the side of a highway. They both had lacerations on their arms and legs and according to the ME the unsub rubbed salt, hand sanitizer and lemon juice into the open cuts." Said Penelope.

"Were there any sign of sexual assault?" asked Morgan.

"No, there were no signs of sexual assault on either victim" replied Penelope.

"So the unsub probably gets off from the torture" Hotch says.

"Also on the victims stomachs, the unsub stabbed in a heart shape. ME guesses it was done postmortem with a screwdriver" Penelope said.

"To do that with a screwdriver, you'd need to use a lot of force, wheels up in 20" said Hotch.

Everyone got up and got their go bag to go to the jet. On the plane.

"When we land, Dave, you go with Reid to the ME's office, Prentiss, you go with Morgan to the first crime scene, Y/N, you go with JJ to the second crime scene and I will go to the Police station" said Hotch with a tone of authority. 

To be continued......

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