Chapter 6

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A/N: Hello humans I am back!! I'm sorry I was gone for so long, I didn't have any ideas and I still don't but I'm going to make this up as I go. I'm doing this at like 12:30-1:00am sooo please ignore any mistakes I will fix them when my brain is fully working. Anyway, onto the story!!!!


Morgan: Why is there glitter all over my desk?

Hotch: There's glitter on your desk?

Morgan: Yes, I just got here and saw glitter on my desk

Y/N: It was Emily!!

Prentiss: Hey! You swore you wouldn't tell :(

Y/N: I'm sorry :(

Rossi: Honestly, I wanted to put glitter on someone's desk but the idea had already been done.

Y/N: Papa Rossi wanted to prank someone!? Everyone applaud, he's learnt well. 👏

Spencer: 👏

Penelope: 👏

Prentiss: 👏

Hotch: 👏

JJ: 👏

Morgan: 👏🙄

Rossi: Thank you?

Y/N: Your welcome Papa Rossi. Anyway does anyone wanna make cookies with me?

Penelope: Me!!

Prentiss: Me!

JJ: Me!!

Y/N: Oh my god!! Girls day!!!!


(Private Messages between Hotch and Y/N)

Hotch: Are you okay?

Y/N: Yeah, why are you asking?

Hotch: I don't know, you just seemed upset today

Y/N: When?

Hotch: During the briefing

Y/N: I don't know what you're talking about

Hotch: Yes you do

Y/N: Well I'm feeling great today

Y/N: If that's all, have a nice day sir

Hotch: You too Y/N


||BAU Groupchat||

Morgan: Are you okay Y/N?

Y/N: Of course I am, why are you asking?

Morgan: You seemed upset today

Prentiss: ^

JJ: ^

Rossi: ^

Penelope: ^

Spencer: ^

Hotch: See Y/N, I'm not the only one who thought you looked upset

Y/N: Shut up

|Y/N is offline|

Prentiss: Well that was

JJ: Unexpected?

Prentiss: This isn't like Y/N

Rossi: I'll go talk to her

Morgan: Tell us what happened, I want to know if I need to kill someone

Prentiss: ^

JJ: ^

Spencer: ^

Penelope: ^

Hotch: ^

Rossi: Don't worry, I will

A/N: Updated, I hope you guys can forgive me for not posting for ages by this chapter. Anyway, looks like something happened with Y/N. What could it have been? Will Rossi be able to get Y/N to tell him? You'll have to wait until the next chapter to find out.

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