Chapter 5

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A/N: Hello, sorry I haven't done any chapters, I haven't had any ideas and I've been taking a break *cough* stuck with homework and school *cough* so I haven't been able to write and then I didn't have any motivation but now I'm writing another chapter, so here it is. There will be talks  of mental health issues in the chapter so if you don't like reading that sort of stuff then I suggest you don't read this chapter.

||BAU Group chat||

Y/N: Hello people, how is everyone?

Hotch: I'm very good, how are you?

Y/N: A bit down, but besides from that good.

JJ: What's wrong Y/N?

Y/N: Things haven't been good lately.

Emily: Was it Morgan?

Morgan: Hey I didn't do anything!

Y/N: No I just haven't been feeling like myself lately

Penelope: Aww Y/N you can come to my hideout and we can hang out

Y/N: Thanks for the offer Penelope, but no thanks

Spencer: Y/N did you know an estimated 10.7% people in the world suffer from at least one mental health illness?

Y/N: No I didn't, thanks for telling me Spencer

Rossi: If you ever need someone to talk to Y/N, my door is open

Y/N: Thanks Rossi

Morgan: Papa Rossi

JJ: ^

Emily: ^

Spencer: ^


Hotch: ^?

Penelope: Sorry to break this up but we have a case

Hotch: Meeting Room

JJ: Aw man

Emily: Seriously 

A/N: Another chapter done, and another empty mind. I was making that up on the spot so I hope it's okay. Anyway, have a nice day/night.

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