(Nickloon) Restless Nights

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Balloon had drifted off to sleep, the peaceful rain and thunder acting as his lullaby. It was calming, a sense of tranquility. At least that's how it was until a VERY loud ahem had woken him. He sat up slowly, letting his eyes adjust to the darkness. There he could make out a smaller figure, standing near the door of his tent which was almost zipped all the way. He rubbed his eyes, still not able to figure out who it was.

"About time you woke up. Thought you died, I almost had a celebration."

"Har har Nickel, what are you doing in my tent?" He paused, yawning, "What time even is it?"

"3 am.."

"Oh great, are you here to haunt me?"

Nickel scoffed, obviously not in the mood. "Something wrong Nic?"

"It's nothing just wanted to make sure you hadn't died, your snoring was unbearable," He turned to leave, his whole body freezing as a loud boom of thunder shook the ground.

"Are you afraid of thunder?"

"WHAT? No. Now I'm leaving."

"Have fun walking through the rain back to your tent, which if I remember correctly you put a far distance away from mine?"

Nickel reconsidered, turning back around and crossing his arms. "If I am?"

Balloon smiled softly, "I have more room here on my sleeping bag."


"I kinda use the sleeping bag as a mattress since I already have a blanket."

Balloon scooched over, patting the space next to him. Nickels face flushed for a second, his eyes looking everywhere but Balloon. "Don't make it weird!"

He begrudgingly walked over, sitting down and pulling the covers over him, and turning away from Balloon. The peace started again as he started drifting back off.. AH- WHERE'S THE BLANKET? Balloon searched blindly with his hand, grabbing hold of it and yanking it back over him. Finally, sleep. This time a low grumble could be heard as Balloon felt the entire blanket disappear from his body, at this point he turned over, laying on his back and turning his head to find Nickel had stolen the entire thing and wrapped himself like a burrito. Balloon had to sit up, grabbing the blanket with both hands this time trying to pull it away from Nickel's tight grip. Eventually the blanket had maneuvered to the middle, while half of Balloon's body was covered, his right arm and leg stuck out, freezing in the cold air. He sighed,

"Nickel, this isn't going to work."


"You keep stealing the blanket!" Balloon raised both hands in the air, screaming playfully before turning to look at the smaller man. As he turned he noticed he was face to face with Nickel, a confused scowl on his face. "Stealing? You kept moving the damn thing!"

"Yeah because you kept dragging it to your side!"

The silence was heavy, crowded with the outside sounds of rain and light thunder. Balloon had gotten an idea, though not sure how it would work. "Fine, if you don't want to share half a blanket how about we move closer to each other so we're both not fighting over it?"

"Ew it's bad enough I'm in a tent with you,"

"Says the one who literally walked through the rain to get here, "

Nickel sputtered nonsense as he rolled his eyes and scooted closer, closing his eyes. "If you as much as mention tonight to anyone-"

"Yeah, yeah. " Balloon yawned, closing his eyes as well and drifting off to sleep.


Balloon made a mental note to never share a room with Nickel ever as he had been woken up once again. This time by a pillow to the face repeatedly. Balloon sputtered awake, reaching out for the pillow. "What the hell is it this time!"

"I was right! Your snoring is loud as shit."


The morning had gone on as normal, there wasn't a challenge today so many people just conspired with their own team and friends. It was at night that had interested Balloon. It was around 11, Balloon was basically ready to pass out. They weren't a night owl to say the least. It was almost as if Nickel had really bad comedic timing as he showed up right as Balloon had rested his head.

"Yo, wake up."

"Hello again- Nickel, something you need?"

He shifted from foot to foot, staring at the ground. He cleared his throat, looking away. "I.. was wondering. If possibly I could- stay here for the night.. again."

Balloon patted the spot next to him once again. It almost being like a summoning call for Nickel, "Just don't steal the blankets this time,"

"Fine, but if I hear you snoring again I won't hesitate!"


The following days had followed a similar pattern until it just became the norm for them to share a tent together. They both had played it off as purely conserving resources, though they failed pretty miserably with the others constant teasing. Though they didn't mind. Something about it was oddly comforting to the both of them. Though Balloon did often wake up being suffocated with a pillow or waking up to Nickel trying to suffocate himself with the pillow.

A/N: Bro I move around too much in my sleep- I wake up and half of the blanket and pillows are on the floor..

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