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The morning came fast and Sydney had gotten little to no sleep. But she did end up packing her bag for the mission. She had thought about everything from the night before, running Bradley's words over and over again in her head.

"Syd! We're heading out." Bob called from the other side of her door after his knocks were ignored. Sydney took one last sip of her coffee and headed out the door and to her car. They had planned on riding together, but with Natasha's sharing of her and Jake and then everything with Bradley, Sydney decided it was best to go alone.

"We have to talk about it." Bradley said walking up behind her as she closed the Jeep door.

"I know. But it really needs to wait until this is done. We can't fuck up on the account of," she motioned between them, "whatever we're doing." he nodded and followed her into the room. It was the last time they'd be in the room until they returned. Even then, they would never see the rows of airplane-like seats again.

"Today we board the carrier that will take us to our destination and from there, we fly the mission in 2 days time." Maverick addressed them, "You're prepared for this, you can do this." he looked out over the group with a pride.

"Call your loved ones, let them know. We leave in a half hour." Maverick left the room to allow them all the time to say their goodbyes.

Once it was time, they loaded up and headed for the carrier. On board, Phoenix shared a bunk with Cowgirl and opposite of them was Bob and Rooster. Although they were all being distant, they were still glad they got to spend their nights in the same room.

"You wanna play cards?" Bob asked Sydney from on top of his bunk. There wasn't really much to do while they waited. Some of the other guys managed to clear out a room and play football, others read or slept.

"Yeah." Bob hopped down and grabbed his pillow to sit on. Sydney grabbed hers and sat across from him on the floor between the bunks. "Nothing too crazy though, I'm not that good."

"War it is." he chuckled and split the deck in half before beginning.

About halfway through their second round they were interrupted to go eat dinner. It was their last dinner before the mission so it was quieter than some of their other meals. "Yeah, I can't eat this." Sydney stood up and threw her plate away. She had barely ate but 4 bites before deciding the chicken was just not meant to be. Bradley followed suit and followed her out of the cafeteria.

"What're you doing right now?" he asked once he caught up to her.

"Bob and I were playing War. What's up?" he checked the time on his watch and hurried to pull her above deck before they missed it.

"What is the big rush-" when they reached the top deck, it was dark out. The only thing lit up was the landing strip and the stars. "Woah." she was in utter disbelief at the number of stars she could see.

"I saw them last night and had to bring you out here." Bradley confessed, "And." he pointed to where they could see the meteor shower. "I know you've always wanted to see one of those too."


They next morning they stood as Maverick picked his team for the mission. Rooster, Phoenix & Bob, and Payback & Fanboy. Hangman had become Spare 1 and Sydney became Spare 2.

"Sir," Bradley called out to Maverick wanting to apologize and say everything he needed to.

"We'll talk when we get back." Maverick reassured. Hangman stopped Rooster as he walked passed.

"You give em hell." he yelled over the loud engine. Rooster shook his hand and continued on. Sydney watched from next to her aircraft and felt as though she needed to say something too. Not only just to Rooster, but to Phoenix too.

"Be careful." and a hug was all she could muster up for Phoenix before quickly running over to Rooster. "Do what you gotta do. I'll be here when you get back." she reassured him and gave him a hug as well before running back over and getting into her aircraft.

She watched as they all took off into the sky and prayed they did what was needed and made it home safely. Then she began to listen on the radio to follow along.

Rooster had disengaged. Why? She wasn't sure. But she did know he had to re-engage for the mission to even work. She waited and listened and he did so. Then she waited to hear them hit the target and did a little happy dance when both were confirmed. Only after the mishap with the no good laser, but Rooster dropped the bomb blind and still made it.

After the climb, they were in coffin corner. All the commotion from dodging the missiles and protecting each other was very overwhelming.

Then Rooster ran out of flares and her heart dropped.

Then the call came through, "Dagger 1 has been hit. I repeat Dagger 1 has been hit."

𝐅𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐧, 𝐔𝐒𝐀 [𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫]Where stories live. Discover now