Chapter Four

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After that wonderful confrontation, Terry had the most exhilarating experience of musical chairs. Only the vhs tapes were the people, and the chairs were the cases the tapes were in. Also there wasn't any music.

So you know.

Completely full of fun!

They did, however, find the first tape. It was in the case for one of the later episodes. Which means that there's a missing Gray Ghost tape somewhere.

Probably in the Godzilla case. Honestly Terry wouldn't be surprised if it was in a completely unrelated tape case.

It just begs the question as to why they were all like this. Last Terry knew Bruce had them all perfectly in place. Maybe one of the old man's friends had come by to play a prank?

Terry forced himself not to make a face at that thought. They were in the middle of the two part first episode, and he didn't really wanna be distracted by his thoughts.

One, because while Mr. Wayne was doing better with getting in touch with his friends and family (coughClarkKentandTimDrakecough) he still sucks at it. He didn't really wanna think about that depressing thought.

And two, it was The Gray Ghost. He needs to watch it with undivided attention.

"How can you be so sure it was murder?" Terry whispered along with Gray Ghost, knowing all the lines by heart.

"What are you implying?" Ophelia, a woman trying to find her twin sister but stumbled upon a dark plot, flickered her eyes over The Gray Ghost's form.

The black and white images went on as Terry went over each detail.

How Ophelia's hair was messy due to the chase they ended up in, how the park they found themselves in was empty. And how the man held up a note in his gloved hand.

"He ran away. The lad was found a few cities away, living with a close friend. I suspect that he had no idea that he's meant to be dead."

Ophelia's eyes widened. "So he's alive? Thank goodness. But wait, wouldn't there be people after him still?"

"It's more than likely."

Terry was at the edge of his seat. The good part was coming.

The scene cut to a foot stepping on a stick, causing it to break. The sound was like a shot, switching back to the two as their heads darted to the sound. They saw a group of men make their way out of the darkness, wooden bats and pocket knives in their clutches.

And one of them had a woman who looked like Ophelia, one with shorter hair. It was her twin sister.

"Hortencia!" Ophelia cried out.

"Ophelia!" Her twin, Hortencia, cried back, tears in her eyes.

It then went like this. The Gray Ghost and Ophelia worked together to take Hortencia out of the men's grasp, and once she was out, Ophelia kept her behind with a baseball bat stolen from one of the goons.

Terry always loved how Ophelia wasn't afraid to fight back. It was a bit controversial back in the day if he remembered correctly, but everyone just couldn't stop watching. With such a strong beginning people expected a strong middle and a strong ending.

And they were right. But for a while it fizzled away to obscurity. Until Simon Trent brought it back with his original reels and turned them into vhs tapes.

Terry still remembers the day they decided to run the old episodes on tv during the show's original time slot. He and Matty were both ecstatic.

"Listen, just tell me this. Did you honestly expect to get away?" The Gray Ghost held one of the goons up.

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