god vs hero and something stronger

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God of magic is having troubles fighting the hero of reality they are around equal, but hero of reality is noticing that he keeps getting stronger and stronger the longer the fight, so he has to try a little bit more against God of magic and the longer the fight more universes get destroyed with the effort the hero of reality is trying to do is stop the reality to be destroyed but this fight will probably destroy it they keep going back and forth hero of reality said "Nice you are getting more powerful so this will be a blast". So, they fought and fought till hero of reality decides to use his true form reality form which is said to be able to handle the strongest god known to man hero of reality just moved one step and he teleported behind God of magic, and he got hurt so bad that he got sent to another dimension for a second. Hero of reality also said during the fight "You cannot even use the creators' powers well I pity you". which made God of magic angrier and got much stronger by a large margin and his powers let him destroy universes by just walking and hero of Reality and God of magic are even again but something in the background of the world is plotting something devious that could restart or end the entire universe that we know of and his name is puppeteer the god of strings the most mysterious and powerful god in the universe that we know of he is said to be able to take down gods with just standing there and he knows everything and anything about the universe he said and he made everything like he predicted it to be and he laughed at these stupid people giving him the entertainment he wants because he is tired of destroying universes for fun he had multiple forms his weakest form singing form 1 which was said to be fast enough to destroy a planet just by running his other forms of singing 2 can destroy a universe and singing form 3 can destroy galaxy's with full power. and he said, "I never use more then .1 percent of my power because everyone is too weak compared to me even if I used 5 percent I can't since it would destroy the entire universe and destroying universes just got so boring there is no point since all I saw was weak so I reincarnated this hero so I can have fun with him." and see how strong the creators combined with him are so far it looks like he can handle his own against this hero so it would be a fun fight against me in my territory which is surrounded by infinite universes that I can play with for my pleasure if I used more than 1 percent of my power i would have to regenerate the infinite universes which would suck and take a week for me to regenerate but I should stop talking in a first person view shouldn't I. but I do not need to. I wonder when the reality breaks and him going into the infinite universe area that I live in it will be soon, but I can't wait to see the look on his face to see when I mess around with him. Puppeteer is sitting on a chair with his arm on one side watching them fight and he can tell Reality of this universe is about to crumble he has black and white eyes with majestical hair looking through a portal at their fight and they were keeping up with each other easily. puppeteer said they are destroying the universe one of them is Gona end up where the almighty gods are which means one of them will get closer to me so i can fight them with my powers. Puppeterer has an active ability called power steal which weakens the persons strength speed durability ability potential and more every second and he gains stronger after every second of the fight. Trixy the god of tricks has purple or red hair and black eyes with red and purple clothing, and she is a girl she is known for her deceive powers that she uses which lets her trick anyone and anything into a trap. Trixy god of tricks said wow i wonder how strong one of them can be I can sense the universe over there crumbling I hope I can trick one of them. then Valer God of war with black hair red clothes blue eyes very tall and he saw that the universe was crumbling over there, and he said I hope I can fight one of them with how badly they are destroying the universe over there that it is about to break. and they all said the rage effect is more powerful than we thought. rage effect makes the character more powerful overtime but usually is a limit to it but with the creator powers it seems like there is no limit the rage effect normally could only destroy planets if that is what you are relying on but in the god of magic case it seems like his power with the raging effect can keep going up and up till it can't anymore.     

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