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Draco's POV

After Harry left, I stayed in Herbology for a bit longer. Professor Sprout had let me start a vegetable garden on an empty shelf in the back of Greenhouse number five. I truly loved Herbology since it was the only class where no one gave me any issues. Professor Sprout didn't take any harassment and all she wanted to do was teach us about plants. I didn't complain.

My tomatoes were looking a bit sad so I decided to water them and then I went to take a look at my carrots. The greenhouses always made it feel so nice and dewy and for some reason, my carrots loved it.

I checked my (not) Gucci watch and decided to head down to lunch. There were sandwiches today and honestly I was starving. I skipped breakfast because I wanted to plant some cabbage really early in the morning.

I grabbed a few and sat in the corner, farther from anyone else.

I saw Harry and Longbottom sitting with Lovegood and she was holding a bucket of what looked like slimy toad skin.

I shook my head and ate my sandwiches. Honestly, nothing, and I mean nothing is better than Hogwarts food. Muggles can't even cook right and Hogwarts food was like coming home after a long vacation to some warm, homemade food that made you want to cry because it was so good.

I watched as Longbottom started laughing at something Harry said. Lovegood waved a small goodbye and they both got up and left. Harry now sat alone and was eating rather obnoxiously. I noticed that he had changed his sweater because the collar around his neck was now a dark blue.

I wanted so desperately to sit next to him and just talk to him, ask him how he is, but he's Harry and I'm Draco. He got up suddenly, a piece of lettuce stuck to his sweater, it fell to the floor as he ran out of the great hall.

People stared at him, they always do. But this time I followed him. He was walking very fast and made a sharp turn into the library. I followed and instead of walking past Madam Pince, I immediately hid behind a bookcase.

Watching Harry in between the bookshelves, he made his way towards the back. I thought he was going to break into the restricted section but he stopped at a section that looked like it hadn't been touched since before the war.

Prophecy studies. Was he really going to look into a prophecy he had fulfilled already? I mean, You Know Who's been dead for more than seven months. He grabbed a book that looked older than the castle and dusted off the cover. Soulmate Prophecies. He scanned the table of contents before flipping to a section titled Box Prophecies.

I began to sweat. This couldn't be possible. I stood frozen as I peered around the corner. Harry really wasn't observant in the slightest. He didn't even notice my entire head practically besides him.

"That's just bloody brilliant," He said suddenly, He looked angry. He put the book back on the shelf and left just as quickly as he came.

So I came up with two conclusions. Many people have soulmates in Hogwarts, or Harry is my soulmate. I'm going with the first one because there's no way that Saint Potter and I could ever work. I'm, well, I'm me and he's absolutely breathtaking, perfect no matter what.

I didn't wait for an answer, that could take months. Instead I went to the herbology section in the library and took out a book on the meaning of flowers. Dandelions, to be specific.

Dandelions are the return of life, the rebirth, growth and green after the harsh winter. They display the return of abundant strength and power. Dandelions are often resistant to harsh weather and can fight back no matter what. Often, the person connected to the dandelion is strong minded with a great willpower to fight. Dandelions are most powerful among those who have experienced change but are willing to overcome despite all odds.

I copied some of the text onto a bit of loose parchment from my pocket. Dandelions weren't the prettiest or best flower but I guess it explained everything. We were going to overcome and fight back.

I still denied that Harry was my soulmate although it made absolutely perfect sense. I had liked him for ages and now I finally have the chance to try and be with him. The only thing I was worried about was rejection, but like anyone who grew up in the wizarding world, soulmates had to be taken very seriously.

I needed to get back to my dorm and find that glass box. That probably had the clues to everything. But I had Divination with the remaining 8th years.

The war might be over for everyone else but for me, it has reached the peak.

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