~|Chapter 4|~

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{2nd person}

Once you manage to get to shore, your worried parents rush to your side and pull you out of the water. "Oh thank goodness you're alive!" Your mother hugged you close, once you got on your feet. Your father soon joined in on the hug. You are now getting annoyed that they really thought you could die so easily.

You manage to get out of their grasp, after some force of course. Your parents were shocked by this action. You don't care, you just want to go home. "Honey, are you ok? Should we take you to the clinic?" Dad shouted as he patted your shoulder. You just stand there, a little annoyed.

"Just leave me alone, I'm fine! I just want some time in peace!" You storm off, walking the path home.

Your mom was about to say something, but your father just shook his head gently.

Once you get home, you run to your room and slam the door. You sighed in an attempt to calm down and randomly grab a book off the shelf. Looking at the book you randomly pick, it was the book about the celestial sirens. You gently run your finger over the title and soften. "I will see you soon… Tomorrow hopefully." You placed the book back and walk to your bed. Sitting down on your bed you laid down and stared at the ceiling.

Tomorrow is another day for sure you'll see them again.

[Next day and 1st person (Y/N)]

The sunlight shines through the curtain and shines on my eyes. I groan and turn to the other side. I tried to go back to sleep, but couldn't, so I got up and looked at my alarm clock. 9:36am, great. I get changed and stay silent waiting to hear if anyone is up. Once I realized my parents weren't up, I got up and left my room. I instantly went to the fridge to see what we had to eat. After a couple minutes nothing caught my eye, so I shut the fridge and grabbed (favorite poptart flavor) from the cabinet. Opening the wrapper for the poptart, I walk outside on the porch and admire the windy breeze. Nice and peaceful.

I grab one of the poptart and take a bit out of it. Hummed as the flavors flow through my mouth. Once I finish the first poptart I walk inside and put my flip flops on, then walk back outside and walk the trail to the beach.

As I was walking I thought of something. What if I bought a house by the beach? It is not a bad idea, I'm old enough to move out and take care of myself. Maybe I should! After today I'm going to see if any houses are on sale on the beach. Maybe I'll be able to see them as well while I'm staying there. I know my parents are going to try and ruin my spirit, making sure that their little girl/boy/child is safe and sound. I rolled my eyes at the thought and continued on my way.

I soon arrived at the beach and softly smiled. My little quiet space or location. I sit down closest to the wave and grab my second poptart. I was about to take a bit out of it until I noticed a yellow shine of scales. Without thinking I shouted, "Is that you Sunny?" I wasn't expecting much after, but I was soon met with a childish voice.

"Over here!"

I look for the source of the voice and follow it. I get closer to the voice and see half of Sunny's face. I smiled a little bit and get closer.

"Can you sit on the large rock here?" Sunny asked politely and pointed to the rock. It was a bit in the water, but I'll manage. I put the poptart, which was still in the wrapper, in my mouth and climbed on the rock.

I was close to getting to the top, before my foot slipped and I was about to fall backwards. But I felt some weight on my back to help me stay stable. I turned my head and saw it was Sunny finger. "Be careful. I don't want you to accidentally hurt yourself." He then smiles childishly, his torso and up are now revealed. He was leaning against his right hand, which was supported by the rock. I forget how big he was. It sent a shiver up my spine a little bit.

Once I got to the top, Sunny removed his finger and I walked to the closest to Sunny and sat down, criss cross style. He also repositions, so that he is not face to face with me. I also grabbed the poptart from my mouth and placed it on my knee. "I'm so glad to see you again, but I didn't expect it to be so soon. Did you tell any of your folks about me?" He asked in a worried tone.

"Of course not, if I did they would not let me leave the house." I told him, he look worried, but yet excited.

"Of one more thing, what on your limp?" He asked, pointing at my knee. I grab it and lift it up, so he can see it better.

"It is a poptart, it is basically a pastry but it has frosting on the top and filling in the middle. It is delicious, depending on the flavor" I told him, I seem to have his full attention.

"Can I try it, please. I heard from Moon that some human food tasted great, while the drink tasted like sh- crap. Ever since I wanted to try them, but moon never let me." He explained, I nodded and pulled the poptart out of the wrapper. I hold it out for him to grab. He grabs it carefully with his two finger-like claws (pointer and thumb) and looks at it, admiring the outside look. Then he places it in his mouth and chews. I was wondering if he'll like it or not, like he said he never tasted human food before. He soon swallowed, "That was delicious! I never expected it to be good! Do you have more?"

"No I'm sorry, maybe next time I'll bring more for the both of us." I smiled, he returned the smile then seemed like he forgot something.

"I'll be right back sunshine, I need to get something" he sunk into the ocean. I put the wrapper in my front pocket and waited patiently.

[To be continued.]

A Sucker For Sirens (Siren Au) {On Hold}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora