~|Chapter 1|~

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(I'm normally not good with the first chapter, but I tried my hardest. Anyway, enjoy.)

Million of years ago, sirens roamed the ocean as well as other ocean animals. They weren't normal sirens, they were celestial sirens. They normally are seen during thunderstorms, like the kraken they sink nearby ships and eat the sailors. If anyone hears their song, they are under the siren's spell and walk into the sea. Never to be seen again.

Well that is what the legend says anyway. I don't believe the legend, even when I was little. Let's just say I'm skeptical about legend and myths. I always believe that the legend was to scare kids into fearing the ocean. It is the legend of my home town Sune. (Not a real location)

I, Y/N L/N have lived here my whole life. 23 years to be exact. I was told this legend when I was a kid, of course it scared me. As I grew older, I began to believe that the legend didn't exist. So I wanted to see for myself, I already paid for some swimming goggles. I hid them from my parents because I don't want them to know about my plan yet.

Let me describe my parents real quick. They are overprotective and will do anything to keep me from swimming in any bodies of water, but a bathtub. So I have to learn how to swim from a tourist that came to the town for research.

But one day my mother went through my room while I was at work. She found the goggles that I had hidden, and knew this was going to happen one day but wasn't expecting it to be now.

Once I came home around 7pm, my mother wanted a family meeting. I was confused until I walked into the living room. She shoved the goggles in my face with a ticked expression. "Why do you have these in your room, you know these are not allowed in this household!" She shouted, I calmly sighed and explained the plan that I had planned.

They were frightened, "Kiddo you know it is not wise to do this, you might drown or at worst get killed by Sire-" I cut my father off.

"You don't know if they exist or not, it's just a myth and I will prove it so that we don't have to fear the ocean!" I snapped, which made my father go quiet. My mother's face grew red in anger, "We just want to keep you safe Y/N, your whole plan is reckless. Your plan is to go in the ocean with just goggles, you could easily get killed or eaten just to prove that sirens might not exist."

"I don't care what you say, I'm tired of being scared of the ocean. I want to make sure that everyone is safe to go to the ocean and that final!" I storm off with goggles in hand. I walked off the porch and started walking to the beach to calm down.

(Time skip)

I got to the beach and took a deep breath, breathing in the ocean breeze

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I got to the beach and took a deep breath, breathing in the ocean breeze. The salted air with the hint of fish was refreshing. The breeze normally helps me calm down. It is a shame that the beach is abandoned, all because of the damn myth. I look at the ocean and calm down a bit.

(I was raised in the country, so I don't know what it's like to be on the beach. I'm only taking a guess from the stories I read and the movies I watched.)

The ocean wave softly splashing the shore of the beach.

I sit down on the sandy beach, not caring if any sand is on my clothing or not. I sighed again and looked at the ocean. The moon could be seen as a reflection on the beautiful ocean. I wish they saw it through my eyes, but they're too scared to. I mean I understand why they're afraid of it, but why not prove it. I clench my fist little. I show them and no one will ever worry about it ever again.

I put on the goggles to the point on my forehead and stand up. I dusted off the sand off my pants and looked to the ocean. I took a deep breath and started walking to the ocean, determined.

~|End of Chapter 1|~

(I know it might not be the greatest, but I tried. I hoped everyone enjoyed the first chapter. 👋)

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