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        "Jirou-ah I mean villain come out!" Shouji called as he scoured the first floor, his eyes scanning over every inch of the place. "Shouji, please refrain from using our classmates names as they are currently villains." Iida stated, his hand chopping the air. "Sorry Iida, it's hard not to call her by her name," he apologizes as he rubs the back of his neck. "It is alright, please refrain from making the same mistake twice," Shouji nods his head, smiling weakly. His head quickly turned to a corridor, his eyes squinting. "Did you hear that?" Iida looks at him alarmed, his brow twitching. "I assume your quirk also enhances your ability to hear since I have not heard a thing." Shouji nodded, slightly embarrassed. "Correct, it's not that enhanced but I can hear slightly better than the average human." His head was still turned to the hallway, a strange look on his features. "I can hear something down the hallway..footsteps I believe?" Iida turned his body 180, his eyes glancing down the hall.

       "We should investigate together, better in numbers." Shouji nodded and turned as well, walking beside him.  They walked slowly down the eerie hallway, Shouji leading the way. "What the hell-," he stopped in the middle, watching as rocks dropped one after the other, mimicking footsteps. "LANGUAGE." Iida pushed his glasses up his face, glaring at his partner. "...sorry." Shouji replies with a meek smile. "Got a stick up your ass?" They both turned at the same time, getting met with an empty hallway. "That was Nakahara-san's voice..." Iida looked around cautiously, scanning the halls for any hint of life. "Over here." They both turned again, looking down the dark and narrow hallway. One of Shouji's tentacles grew an ear, facing the small room.

        "I can hear breathing this way" he said as he pointed to the room just down the hall. Iida pushed his glasses up before grabbing Shouji's hand and speeding down the hall, his partner flopping into the air like a kite. "Mind warning me next time?" Shouji moaned out as he held his mouth, Iida turned and gave him a short apologetic smile. "I don't see anyone in here..." Shouji turned to look in the room, scanning over the cold and rather bare room. "No one is in here Shouji.." said teen looked around confused, squinting at every corner. "But I swore I heard someone..." the door behind them slammed shut, making both boys turn in surprise. "Sorry boys, it was just a distraction." A loud ringing began, forcing Shouji to the floor in mere seconds and Iida not far behind. The blue haired boy turned, catching a glimpse of a girl rocking a pink shirt and headphones.

        Chuuya high-fived Jirou as Iida's eyes closed shut, a grin on his face. "Nice job Jirou!" She raised her eyebrow, a smile on her face. "For this whole time you've been calling me 'earphone girl'...now you're calling me by my name?" He chuckled at her quizzical stare. "Nicknames are fun but names are respected!" He stated simply before the speaker above turned on. "Great job Jirou-san and Nakahara-san! You were very plus ultra, come back for a debrief!" Chuuya inwardly cringed at the catchphrase, following behind Jirou.


         "Bakugou-san, shouldn't we head this way?" Momo said quietly as she pointed at a hallway instead of the empty room the blonde was trying to enter. "Don't tell me what to do ponytail!" Bakugou shouted angrily as he slammed the door open, his partner sighing and following behind. "Bakugou-san, I think that if we-," before she could finish Bakugou forced the door shut with a growl. "I'll go find the shitty nerd, you take care of bandages" he said before stomping away, leaving Momo to sigh. She turned, her ponytail swishing behind her as she stepped into the hallway. She has a few ideas on where they might be and what to do if encountered with any of them but she doesn't know how to execute it..and she's too scared too. What if she messes up? What if she ruins the whole thing by her plan going off track? What if-Momo fell with a thud, her face hitting the floor.

          "Ow.." she muttered under her breath, looking up to a grin from a brunette. "Sorry Yaoyorozu-san, Midoriya-kun has some things he needs to finish on his own," Dazai says as he ties her hands behind her back, getting up and off of her. He pulled her body upwards and sat beside her, his hand gripped onto her wrist. "How did you know?" He smirked. "It was logical to assume that Bakugou-san would leave on his own to look for Midoriya-kun because of their qualms with each other. You also have a tendency to overthink a lot, so I just waited for you to get lost in thought and then took you out," he said casually as if it was no big deal. Technically, it wasn't a big deal. He had only guessed their every move. Yeah it was a big deal. "Oh." She said dumbfounded as a loud explosion was heard from down a few halls.

     "Guess they've found each other..." Dazai says with a bored sigh as he crossed his legs. "Aren't you going to stop them?" She said, turning to look at Dazai. An eerie feeling settled into her as she stared into his eyes, they were almost....dull. Like they had no color or life, and it seemingly terrified her. "Why should I? It has nothing to do with me." He said simply as the explosions grew louder. "They could injure each other," Dazai hums as he flicks a rock. "they will, Midoriya will injure his arms and Bakugou will get injured by Midoriya." Momo sits up alarmed, looking worriedly at him. "Then you have to calm them! Stop them from using their powers," Dazai sighs, clearly annoyed. "If I do that, then they will only attack each other off of school grounds. It's better to let them hash it out now then wait for them to destroy actual property."  She looks at him dumbfounded and helpless. "But.." she trails off, not really knowing how to convince him.

In the end, Izuku Midoriya and Osamu Dazai won.


         "Chibi, did you like working with the earphone girl?" Dazai asked as he threw his legs over Chuuya's lap. "She was alright, her power is pretty useful," Chuuya said as he wrote down his notes on students, leaning over his partners legs. "I don't like her." Dazai simply put out as he threw his school tie onto the floor, putting on his black one. "Why?" Chuuya turns and raises his brow, his hand hovering over the paper. "Cause your my partner, not hers." Chuuya blinked in surprise before he saw the mischievous smirk appear on the devils face. "I can't have other mutts talking to my dog," Chuuya tsked, tossing Dazai's legs off his lap and making the teen in question fall to the floor. "I'm not your dog!" Dazai grins, jumping onto Chuuya. "You promised to be my dog if you lost, and if I recall you did lose," Chuuya pulled on Dazai's arms trying to get him off of him, but to no avail.

         The teen in question just held on tightly to him with a grin. "Damn you Dazai..." the brunette giggled at Chuuya's irritated groan. "Oh hatrack! Why do we have to do all of this paperwork? It's so boring!" Chuuya's eye twitched as he continued to pull at Dazai's lanky limbs. "We aren't doing anything. I'm doing all of the work!" Chuuya finally got Dazai off and threw him at the bed, the latter of the two pretending to faint dramatically onto the bed. "Oh chibi you wound me!" He placed the back of his hand on his forehead and his other hand on his chest. "You replace me and then throw me away! When will this pain end!" Chuuya glared and stood, his fists clenched as he stomped over. "Stop spouting nonsense! Help me with this damn work you mackerel!" Chuuya said as he grabbed Dazai by the collar and pulled him back over to the couch. "I don't wannaaaaa..." like a child, he whined and began to pout. "And I don't careeeee," Chuuya responded as he tossed Dazai onto the couch, the taller of the two landing with his ass up in the air and the rest of his body pressed to the couch.
          Dazai sighed as Chuuya kicked his leg so he would sit up properly. "Fine what do we need to go over..?" The brunette asked as he looked over the papers. "We just need to send reports to Mori about our findings." Dazai groaned and tossed the paper back onto the table. "Moris a big man, why can't he deduce it." Chuuya rolled his eyes as he wrote something down. "Because he has us to do it for him," that made Dazai whine more. "Hey chibi I'm going to sleep!" Chuuya's eye twitched and he turned to yell at his partner, but he was already asleep. "Damn bastard.." he muttered under his breath.

Hi guys I'm back 🥰 okay so basically this is from like two months ago < I just wanted to tell you why the update has been postponed 😭 I'm so sorry for the delay. When finals were over my family and I went on a camping trip that had no wifi. So while I wrote down the next chapter on my notebook and the layout of the upcoming chapters I hadn't had time to post them. I came back this week but I broke two of my fingers nails (my actual nail which is attached to my skin) and it really hurt 😭 it's funny because their my middle fingers tho but it's hard to hold my phone properly and my computer broke a couple weeks ago. The only resort is my tablet but I hate typing on big screens like that 😭> yeah anyways im homeless currently so my mom and I are living with my uncle and my family is fighting. my brothers choosing my dads side and my mom and my sisters choosing my stepmoms side. My 49 yr old dad cheated on my stepmom with a 28 year old 💀💀💀 anyways I've been busy because of that but im ready to start writing LMAO

Hero name: SoukokuTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang