"Well, I like her, she's very pretty too." My mom nudges me."

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"You should hook your brother up with her. He's really fond of her." She says.

"Yeah, as a friend. I think Shuri likes women. Can't hook them up when they play for the same team." I laugh.

"Oh poo, Why do you all call her that?" She frowns.

"It's an inside joke." I chuckle.

"Can I offer my help?" I hear her voice sending chills from my shoulders to my fingertips.

"Yes please, you can take my place drying dishes." My mom says. "I'm going to go badger my son." She passes Shuri the drying towel.

Within seconds she's standing next to me. I turn to look at her "You don't have to help, I can finish it by myself."

"Pass me the plate Rue, I want to help. Plus I needed to get away from the circus in there. They're grilling your boyfriend." She says. Poor Kaleb, I hope they're not taking it too hard.

"He's not my boyfriend." I say.

"You like him though." She says lowly.

"Yeah, he's really nice and he gets me so well."

"Does he make you smile?" She asks.

"Of course, we always have a good time." I smile.

"Well then Rue, that's all that matters." She says taking the plate from me grazing my hand causing me to shudder.

"Geez Angel, I barely touched you and you're already jolting." She says lower and flirtatiously.

I pull my hand away quickly.

"Don't be afraid, I'll stop my teasing for now." She chuckles.

I nudge her "You've picked up their asshole tendencies."

"I've always been an asshole. I just feel comfortable enough to be me around you." She says.

I splash her with a little of the water from the faucet. She retaliates a little by smacking me with the towel. Her and I are tussling and laughing until she has me pent up against the sink.

"Nowhere to go now Angel." She coos. Looking down at me.

I feel a little brave in this moment. "Whose to say I didn't meticulously plan to be in this position."

She cups my cheek with her hand. "You're so beautiful angel. I'd had plans to be this close to you since I walked in the kitchen."

I want so badly to kiss her, so much could happen if I do. "You are too, my favorite part is your hair. I always want to run my fingers through it."

"I'm not stopping you." She picks me up by my waist and sits me on the sink. She's so strong, I weigh well over two hundred pounds and this girl just picked me up with grace, like it was nothing. I place it to the back of my mind and run my fingers through her hair.

"You want to know my favorite physical feature about you?" She asks keeping her hands at my sides.

I nod my head. "I like everything about you. My favorite thing though, your lips. Their so full and brown." She cradles my face and caresses my cheek with her thumb. She brings her face closer to mine, just inches away. We're so close I can feel the cool of the mint from the gum she had just previously chewed. I lean closer and our lips almost connect.

"I'm just about to go say goodbye to Rue and I'm out of here, I have class at eight tomorrow." I hear Kalebs voice.

I push Shuri away from me and jump down. I face the sink and pretend as if had been doing the dishes all along.

"Rue, I'm about to leave. It's getting late and I have an hour drive ahead of me. Are you sure you don't want to ride back with me?" He asks.

"No, I'm okay. I'm going to ride back with Simon, Shuri, and Lottie."

He comes and gives me a hug. "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow after classes. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." I hug him back.

"Kat, it was nice formally meeting you." He says putting out his hand.

"Same here." They shake hands.

He leaves and I continue my task with the help of Shuri.

"Good thing he came in here. I'd never thought I'd say this but your boyfriend is a life saver." She says raising an eyebrow.

"Still not my boyfriend, and that he is." I say. He just kept us from making a decision that would not only effect us but our friends as well. Our friendship just got more complicated.

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