#1 - "Why do you do this?"

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"C'mon grab it, do it!" kai chuckled, swinging azzie's book above her, "give it back!" she yelled, jumping up and down to grab it. kai chuckled and dropped the book in front of her. "fuck you." she mumbled, "If you insist." he grinned at her. "shut up!" she yelled at him, picked up her book and ran away. he chucked and leaned against his locker, staring at her fall around before reaching her friend, sock. Kai smiled at the sight of Azzie hitting her head with the book, while sock laughs at her. "whatchu staring at wai" Kyra questioned, walking over to kai, "WHAT THE FUCK??? ARE YOU STARING AT AZ-" Kyra jumped and yelled but kai covered her mouth "SHUT UP DUMBASS" he hissed. 

Kyra and kai talked for a while and sock came rushing towards them, "hey besties" she smiled, hugging them, "soo kai, were you just staring at Azzie?" "no." "you suree?" "ye-" they spoke but the bell didn't let them finish. "cya guys in 5 years." kai chucked and left, "he definitely likes her." sock whispered to Kyra "I can hear you, you know!" kai yelled from the distance.

It was french class. Kai sat at the back of the class watching Neymar edits with tsu, "he's so cute" she sobbed. The teacher walked in and tsu got up and went to her seat at the front. "shit shit shit" he heard someone whisper and looked up to see azzie standing at the door "when was she in this class??" kai thought to himself. "Mrs. Azzie, I changed tsu's place to the front since she sucks at french," Mrs. Apple explained and the class burst into laughter, "so you'll have to sit at the back." she added. "with kai, of course" she mumbled under her breath, "what was that?" "nothing". 

"Hey, princess" he winked at her, "shut up." she said, grabbing her book, "aren't you gonna write the notes?" she asked as kai put his legs on the table, "I'm not writing this bullshit Mrs. Banana writes" he shrugged "how do you even study for the exams" "easy, I don't." azzie giggled and turned around to see the teacher smacking tsu's head with her ruler when she couldn't answer a simple question. They both sat in silence for the next 15 minutes until azzie broke the silence, "I have a question." "what's up?" he turned his attention to her, "why do you do this?" kai raised an eyebrow at her "what?" "I mean, why do you bully or make fun of people? it's not nice" she stared into his brown eyes, "because I couldn't care less" he replied, turning back to his phone. "Kai, why are you on your phone?" Mrs. Apple asked, "because this shit is boring, plus I already know this stuff" he replied, "really? quel est le nom de l'école et où est-elle? (what is the name of the school and where is it?)" "dans ta maman (in ur mum) " The entire class burst out laughing, "detention!" "damn, woman took it personally" he mumbled. 

"no way" Iris laughed when kai told her what happened, "yes way. THIS BANANA WOMAN IS FUCKING ANNOYING" he whined like a baby." "I agree," tsu said, rubbing her head where she got attacked by the teacher. They were all sitting at their lunch table, laughing and talking when azzie walked up to them. "um, kai, you left this in french class," she said, handing him a book, she slightly blushed as his hand touched hers, "thanks" he smiled at her and she walked off. "no wayy did kai just smile at azzie?"sen joked, "silence monkey" he replied. he stared at azzie talking to her friends umaima, angie and rosie. "she looks so cute." he thought to himself.

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