(Y/N)s POV
Jumping in front of Shisui I glared at the traitor I was ordered to kill. How dare he. In this clearing. How fucking dare he. I hadn't even realized my Kanzeigan had activated until I registered the sound. Rushing towards the traitor I side stepped his fist, slamming my fist into his side. Watching him fly into a tree I continued my assault. Pulling out four Kunai I lined up my throws and pinned him to the tree by his clothes. "Stop struggling. It's pathetic. You had to know someone would be sent after you."
Bending down in front of him I sighed, "I've wasted plenty of time on this. This mortal coil has not been kind but the afterlife may be kinder." I closed my eyes, stabbing him in the chest with my last remaining Kunai. "Time to dispose of the body." Bending down I said a quick prayer, "Just. No more death here please..."
Looking up at Shisui I waved him down. "Heh thanks for being here by the way, I know it's hard to tell but you're a true rock it seems."
"If you need to cry just let me know Pretty one."
"I'll think about it." Getting the body ready for a burial and burn I sighed. "This is always the worst part it always stinks." I pulled the body further into the clearing, horse, serpent, ram, monkey, boar, horse, tiger. "Fire style! Fireball jutsu!" Breathing in I blew fire on the body. "I gotta make sure this burns but huh, can I... can I lean on you again?"
"Of course Pretty One." He chuckled, holding out his arms. Leaning against his chest slightly I stared up at the sky, taking off my mask. "Thank you Shisui."
"No problem. Like I said before I do technically owe you."
"I don't... I don't see it that way, you're still you're own person." As we spoke, listening to the crackling of the fire and the frankly nasty smell in my opinion I looked behind us, seeing someone charging. "Shit. Move!" Jumping up I summoned my summoning scroll. "Summoning jutsu!" Summoning my blade I got ready. Shisui had already moved out the way. It's not like he could do anything without his signature showing up if they scouted the area. The person flash-stepped to the side, zigzagging me. While I was turned slightly facing Shisui I felt the rush of the wind as they tried to strike me. Jumping into a back flip I dodged the blade. Obviously this person was still sort of new to sword fighting by them waiting until I landed to try to strike me, sideways. Going into a split I stabbed my sword forward, it going straight through their shoulder. "Hellscape Seal." With that suddenly their left arm had been sealed into non movement. Rolling into a tug I pulled them down. Straddling them I held my blade to their throat. "Who are you?"
"None of your business! Leave me alone!"
"I don't want too but I will kill you if I have too. You attacked me with killing intent."
"Well that was my dad bitch!"
"Ah, yes I'm sorry. But orders are orders and I'd rather not piss off my boss you see." I sighed. "Listen, you can go or you can die it's your choice."
"Rabbit maybe that's not the best?"
"I like giving people I'm not assigned too the choice Fox. And I know it's not. I likely have a lot of enemies because of it." I covered half my face sighing harder.
"I'd rather die then surrender!"
"Then. I'm sorry for this." Stabbing my blade into their chest as I spoke my parting words. "The mortal coil has been hell to you hopefully you will be reunited in the afterlife with your father." Once I was sure they were dead I desummoned my sword. "This is never fun. I might just quit the anbu soon. Once I'm sure my charge is okay that is."
Shisui jumped over. "You're not hurt right?"
"Physically? No. Emotionally? Definitely. I've caused enough death and it seems I'll just keep doing that." Burying my head into my hands I gasped softly, ignoring the warm pooling under my eyes I slipped my mask on. Seems I used the Kanzeigan to much today. But I wouldn't ever regret it. Shisui deserved to live too.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yeah. I just hope the string stays." Before he could ask what I meant I deactivated my Kanzeigan. "Ya'know, my Kekkai Genkai, it's not as impressive as it seems, it's mainly used to help lost souls pass over."
"Pretty sure I'm stuck for good so." He shrugged laughing weakly.
"Then you're stuck with me. What's the ultimate combo? The ghost whisperer and the ghost!" I smiled at him, though he couldn't tell I did. I was gonna keep my mask on until my eyes stopped bleeding.
"And what better ghost then Shunshin no Shisui?"
"Don't forget the whisperer is Shi no Shokansamurai."
"Ah I've heard about you then. Called the Leaf to kill off your whole village."
"It needed to happen. They were... obsessed with death and not in a good way."
"I remember the rumors. Anyone from Shigakure was given a flee on sight order. Because of the Kekkai Genkai and how ruthless it seemed they were."
"My whole village apparently lived for the battle field. I feel I show that I'm different every time I give someone to opportunity to leave." At that he nodded, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards him. "Ah-Shisui?"
"Rest. Don't sleep I'll disappear but rest. I'll carry you back."
"What if you get seen? That won't be good!"
"Eh, well Pretty One, something about you right now makes me not care."
"Are you sure?" Looking up to see him nod I snuggled into his side. "Okay but I need to make sure the body burns. And hope no one else comes up."
"Then well stay here until then. But don't forget we gotta meet up with your cell."
"My fake cell." I shook my head. "Can't even actually get to know them because well, I'm just there as a guard and back up if Naruto loses control."
"Ah so what if you have to show your true power on a mission?"
"Then my cover is blown but my mission stays on track." I smiled weakly, "god I'm tired."
"I bet, I know you barely slept last night."
"Yeah, surrounded my photos of those two was hard." I nodded to him, laying on him more. "Seriously though you are comfy Uchiha. Might have to revive you just for that." I giggled.
"Don't waste your only one on that Pretty one, I did my research while alive, I know you only get one."
"Yeah but, ones all I need. Promise."

The hidden Anbu (Naruto Various x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now