Chapter 02

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The sound of sword blades hitting each other filled the grounds of Shinchowon. Hwayoung had a scheduled training today with her father. After everything that happened, learning how to fight properly has been her first priority. Not just for herself, but for her family, and everyone around her as well.

As soon as the training ended, they both started gasping for air. Not gonna lie, out of all the sparring partners Hwayoung experienced, the one with her father is definitely the most difficult and tiresome. "You did well today, Hwayoung-ah. You have improved a lot since the last time, huh!"

"Well of course I've improved! I'm your daughter after all!" She smiled at her father. Her mother approached them while they're in the middle of boosting each other's egos. ""Yah! You two, the food is already ready! Don't you two have any plans on coming inside? No? Don't eat then!"

"Mom, really! We're coming!" She and her dad laughed at her mom and her nagging as they headed to the interiors of Shinchowon.

Though she stays at her private residence outside, she still remains close with her parents. Their relationship has always been great, and even after what happened, their bond with each other remained strong. After all, they only have each other.

"By the way, how's life outside, my dear?" Her mom asked. "You sure you're not skipping meals, are you?"

Hwayoung smiled. "Don't worry, mother. I'm eating properly these days. Also, why ask me? I know you guys have been asking Hae Yi these days about my whereabouts outside."

Her parents avoid her eyes as they're guilty of what she said. "That's because we're just worried about you, my dear." Her father defended. "In case something bad happens to you too, I don't know what we're gonna do by then." Sadness filled both her parents' eyes.

"That's why I'm training hard, aren't I?" She said. "I'm really doing fine, mother, father. You don't have to worry at all." Assuring her worried parents.

Her father sighed. "Okay then. As long as you're doing fine."

"By the way, how are your visions doing?" Her mom asked.

"They're.. fine, I guess? They're much more detailed now. By the way mom, I've been getting visions these days even without touching anything, and I'm not really sure why that';s happening."

"That's probably because of your strong energy surge. The energy must've been boosting your celestial powers." Her mom explained.

They were eating peacefully when all of a sudden, there's a ruckus outside. By the time they got outside, they noticed a black smoke rising up to the night sky.

"It's the Alchemy of Souls." Her father stated.

Someone's shifting souls. Hwayoung thought.

"I have to go. Hae Yi is alone right now at the house, it's too dangerous for her in case something happens." She quickly bid farewell to her parents and headed home.

"Hae Yi! Hae Yi!" She quickly looked for her as soon as she got home. She met Hae Yi years ago, saving her from her past owner who's clearly abusing her. She became her personal maid since then.

"My Lady, I'm here in the kitchen!"

"You didn't encounter anything dangerous while you're at the market, did you?" She worriedly asked her.

"There was quite some ruckus earlier at the market. I think it was some Songrim mages... They were chasing someone, I don't know who it was though."

Hwayoung tilted her head in confusion. They were chasing someone? It's probably the one doing the alchemy of souls. But who?

𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐂𝐔𝐄 𝐌𝐄 ✧ 𝐉𝐀𝐍𝐆 𝐔𝐊Where stories live. Discover now