Chapter 1: A Lucky Dip

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Aaron had always loved Ellie Goulding. He had seen her live a couple of times before but he had never been close enough to get a really good view of the things he absolutely adored: Her tits.
There was something special about her boobs that made him want to seek out chances to get really close to Ellie.
Whilst reading the local news one morning, Aaron saw an advertisement about winning a prize to stay with a musician for a whole week. There were all sorts of artists but Aaron's eyes grew very wide at seeing Ellie Goulding on the list. He could imagine lying next to her boobies and being able to stroke them, and he could imagine playing with her pussy as well.
With that in mind he set off to the place where the prizes were being given out.

*About an hour later*

Aaron finally arrived and he casually walked into the queue. He felt quite hot as several girls were standing in the queue next to him as well. 'I hope Ellie Goulding is still up for grabs' Aaron thought. As he got nearer to the front of the queue, he could see that you got decided a musician from a lucky dip.

It was nearly Aaron's turn to pick. A girl in front of him called Anna had just won a week with Calvin Harris. She was very hyper and you could tell she was ecstatic about the whole thing.
Now it was his turn. He put his hand through the hand hole, into the box and he felt around for all the slips of paper. 'Aah if only this box was Ellie Goulding's vagina' Aaron thought. He finally grabbed hold of a piece of paper then he pulled it out and gave it to the person who was in charge without opening it.
"You have won..." the man announced, "ELLIE GOULDING!"
Aaron screamed and shrieked, he was fist pumping the air whilst doing the victory dance.
"Here is where she is for the week:
Hereford" the man said and he gave Aaron the slip of paper back. Aaron took it and he ran all the way home without stopping, he couldn't help it.

*Later that same day*

"I... DONT... BELIEVE... IT!" Aaron shouted. "ILL BE SPENDING A WHOLE WEEK WITH ELLIE GOULDINGS MOUTH, BUM, FANNY, BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY BOOBIES!" Aaron went on with this for exactly 69 minutes, saying very rude things, sex jokes, and singing Ellie Goulding lyrics for the rest of the night.
Then suddenly, Aaron flopped onto his bed and fell asleep.

*The next morning (Sunday)*

Aaron woke up to the lyrics of Love Me Like You Do, specifically the lyrics "Touch me like you do, ta ta touch me like you do."
'I still can't believe this is happening' he thought. 'Well, I'll need stuff for the whole week so I had better get started now'

'Hmm, what should I take to have the most fun - normally and sexually'

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