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How does it feel to come near death twice? The first time was so traumatizing that the second time didn’t even have much effect. It would have if the beloved person would get hurt. Like how the first time Minji lost her dear best friend. Clearly she would go insane if anything would happen to Hanni this time. Since they both are fine, Minji is taking this accident lightly as if nothing happened except her aunt's car damage. That doesn’t matter anyway. As long as Hanni is fine. 

All these thoughts are roaming around Minji's mind as she is resting her eyes on the couch of Hanni and Haerin's apartment. She came here after a long time. After she Hanni started staying with her she didn’t really need to come here. 

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Minji opens her eyes and looks beside her to see Haerin asking her with her cold stare.

"Nothing much. Just about the accident. We are so lucky that nothing serious happened to any of us" Minji raises her head from the couch.

"Yeah. How is your cut?" Haerin asks. 

"It still hurts sometimes. But it’s getting better" Minji smiles.

"Hanni's cut on her forehead is also near healing fully. I am glad you guys are fine. Just don’t be stupid again. You know what, just don’t drive anymore. Take public transport" Haerin sighs.

"That's what I said to Hanni. But she said we can still get into an accident but it will not be our fault" Minji wheezes.

"That's not funny aye…" Haerin lets out a big sigh seeing how unserious this couple is about something serious.

"Haerin, I can't find my notebook anywhere in this freaking apartment" Hanni says while stomping.

"Did you check your bookshelf?" Haerin asks.

"I told you I checked literally everywhere. I can't find it" Hanni says, annoyed.

"How about under your or Haerin's bed?" Minji asks.

"I did check there. And it's not there" Hanni sighs.

"Then where it could be. The notebook possibly wouldn’t grow wings suddenly and fly away for sure. Because it doesn’t drink red bull " Haerin tries to joke which makes Minji wheeze but makes Hanni more annoyed.

"This is not funny. You both are annoying as fuck" Hanni yells which makes both Minji and Haerin stop wheezing.

"You know what. Let me go and check the store room. What if it's there" Hanni crosses her arms.

"We literally haven’t opened that store room in what…3 years almost. How can it even be there?" Haerin raises her brow.

"You never know. Your cat probably went there while carrying my notebook in his mouth" Hanni looks at Haerin's cat which is busy rubbing his head on Minji's leg.

"Hey don't you dare accuse my pudding without any proof. He can't do that for sure" Haerin defends and picks up pudding to pat him.

"I was just kidding but still let me go and check the store room" Hanni says and walks away.

"Pretty sure you will only meet some dead rats and cockroaches. Not your notebook" Haerin replies. 

Hanni opens the lock of the store room's door and a bad smell starts hitting her nose. She immediately covers her nose with her hand and finds the switch to turn on the light.

"God we literally abandoned this store room now it smells like dead rats and cockroaches for real" Hanni mumbles.

She starts looking for her notebook on the small tables and the used boxes which are opened. There is even an abandoned broken shelf in this room. And a lot of old books and magazines are there. She searches there too but only meets the dust and starts coughing.

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