A dimple crept on the dark-haired girl's left cheek whenever she had a broad smile which Giselle was envious of even though just one dimple, but it looked perfect on Drew's flawless fair skinned face. 

Drew's eyes were smiling and gave a wave in return. As usual, her dark brown eyes were lingering on Giselle's face for a while before turning away and she got into her cubicle. In the meantime, the bright lights came on in the office, it was a hint for everyone to kick off their work.

Giselle had cracked her head to solve the problems for her accounting report for 20 minutes. She knew she would get that within a minute if she asked her senior, but she didn't want to be babied in her work since it was her responsibility to improve and learn.

The brunette quickly picked up her phone while her eyes were glued to her monitor.

"Do you need help?"

Giselle would always think the feminine deep and raspy voice from her senior fit her strong aura even though she was always soft to her. The brunette whipped her head to look at her senior across her seat who was smiling at her softly. 

The brunette couldn't help but nodded her head eagerly at her senior and said, "Yes, please! I will go over to your place." Drew chuckled softly and she gently put down her intercom after the brunette did.

Giselle wasted no time picking up her notebook and a pen to go over to her senior's cubicle and quickly told her the problem she was stuck and her senior patiently showed her the solution.

"Oh my! How come I never see it?" Giselle exclaimed and shook her head to herself.

"It's okay to take your time learning," Drew assured her junior.

"Thank you for taking your time to teach a silly question," Giselle said as she still felt embarrassed.

"No biggie. It's good to ask instead of cracking your head," Drew smiled softly at her junior.

"Thank you so much, Drew. Okay, I gotta hurry to finish this," Giselle quickly said knowing that she had wasted her senior's time and she swiftly walked back to her cubicle.

Giselle had realized something since last week, and she would never forget to look at the reflection from the wall tiles whenever she returned to her seat. She couldn't help but bit her lower lips to subtle a giggle when she found out Drew was staring at her butt as she walked away, but she never failed to have a goofy grin to herself by the good evidence of her reflection on the wall tiles. 

The brunette mentally slapped herself and got back on her delayed work since she had wasted so much time on her daydreaming.  

"What have you done!"

Giselle was startled by the sharp voice, nobody but Nancy was the only one always loud in this office. Giselle quickly looked across her table and she was relieved Drew wasn't around because she never wanted her to find out since the first day Drew had told Nancy not to give anything for her to do.

Nancy rudely threw the stack of paper on Giselle's table messing up her paperwork. Giselle didn't bother much but she wanted to make sure they clear the scene before Drew came back from the washroom.

The brunette quickly stood up, kindly took up a stack of papers, and asked nicely, "Shall we go back to your place and talk?"

"I don't care. You just look at this shit you screwed up!" Nancy insisted in annoyance as she put both her hands on her waist.

"May I know what the problem is, Nancy? I did it according to your instructions," Giselle asked as calmly as she could. Deep down, she was nervous and confused. She took one of the stacks of paper and quickly flipped the page for checking one round.  

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