The pasaage of time

Start from the beginning

Eren gathered his food, Darwin watched the entrances. Once Eren was seated he went to get his own food. He came to sit beside Eren, a new person was with him. This guy reminded Eren of Erwin. He was tall, broad shoulder with military cut blond hair. His blue eyes were sharp as he took in the Alpha.

"This is Rigor, not his real name, but no one knows that but him." Darwin offered. "He is going to be watching you at night from now on." He explained.

Eren thanked them nodding. They ate in silence. Eren wasn't sure what to do with himself most of the day. He found each person had their own chores. Eren wasn't given anything to do. He began to help out with cleaning up after meals, sweeping his living area, or in general doing whatever he could to help out.

At night it was different, trying to quiet his mind was like pushing a boulder up a steep hill, he kept sinking back to the what if's of the situation. As each night came on, it was one more where the reality sunk deeper into Eren, that Levi was no longer in this world. Before Eren knew it, he had been with the Military Police for a month.

Two months later, he was growing huge. It wouldn't be long before the children would be born. Eren was grateful that they did have a medical doctor, along with several nurses at the base. A decent hospital was set up deep in an underground chamber. Eren had spoken to the doctor. They had discussed just how Eren was to give birth.

"I think you call it cesarean?" Eren offered. The man nodded.

"Yes, I suppose that would be the best way." He agreed. He ran the wand thing from the ultra sound over Eren's enlarged stomach.

"Baby one seems to be the leader, look at how they protect the other. I can't even get a clear... wait, what is that?" the doctor peered harder at the screen as he pressed the wand against Eren's stomach.

"Baby three?" Eren asked.

"You knew?" the man blinked looking at him. Eren shrugged.

"As they form, I cane sense their thoughts. I've known for awhile there was more than one."

"It is either a third one, or baby two has three arms!" the doctor informed him. He wiped the gel from Eren's stomach before allowing the man to sit up.

"How are you sleeping?" He asked. Eren shrugged.

"Same as always. Fits and stops." He shrugged.

"You're anxiety seems to be on the hold." The doctor handed him more prenatal vitamins along with a pill to assist with the anxiety and depression Eren was slowly sinking deeper into.

"Yeah, sure." Eren shrugged he took the pills slipping them into his pocket.

"I guess it will be good to be able to work out again." He shrugged.

"What is your plan, once they are born?" The doctor asked. Eren smirked.

"Not telling ya doc." This had been his response every time the man had asked.

"Eren, do me a favor, transform." The doctor asked. Eren blinked.

"Why?" he asked.

"Well, from what the sentries tell me, it's been awhile since you have done it. Also, I'm curious..." the doctor waved to the ultrasound machine. "Do the babies transform?" he asked. Eren glanced at the machine.

He felt a twinge of interest, a feeling that hadn't been with him in a long time now. He shrugged out of the over sized coat he wore. Struggling to get undressed he stood naked before the doctor. At first nothing happened. It had been over a month since Eren transformed. His wolf form seemed as far away from him as his mate, currently.

Eren closed his eyes thinking about the moon. The ground as he ran in the forest, the voices as they echoed in his head of the pack all around him. They would play games while out hunting. He held these memories close to him, now they recalled the wolf that resided within him. A howl broke from his muzzle as he dropped to all fours, his stomach huge in this form.

There was no way for Eren to get up on the table with the weight of the triplets inside him. The doctor knelt before him. He eyed the soft brown wolf. Holding his hand out, he watched Eren's green eyes track it.

"Do you understand me?" the doctor asked. Eren nodded.

"Alright, then just lay here on the floor, I can still use the machine." He offered. Again the wolf nodded.

Eren padded closer to the doctor. He laid down on his side. The man glanced at the beast before him. Something in his expression bewildered Eren. He looked almost hungry at Eren's stomach. Eren shivered. There was no way the proctor would allow a human into their midst. Eren's head jerked at this.

Why hadn't he thought about it before! That was why Levi sent him here. As long as the wolves stayed away from him, there was no danger for Eren. The proctor were so set on their own ways, that they saw humans as less than perfect. The proctor despised human kind! What if, could he dare hope, could Levi... Armin... could they still be alive? Staying away from a compound of humans while Eren nurtured their children to life?

A spark lit inside Eren. It was one he thought had died on that night nearly three months ago. He felt it now, once more, a slow burning candle of...hope. Eren sighed closing his eyes. He had hope now, it was just a tiny candle flame but it thrived in the dark despair within him.

"Oh, this is odd." The doctor was pressing the wand back against Eren's stomach.

"Look here, it, they are still human." He muttered swirling the wand around trying to get different angles on the babies. Still the first baby covered the others. The doctor let out a sigh as he sat back on his heels.

"That one is going to be a handful, stubborn little brat." He chuckled. He turned to look back at Eren who had sat up.

"Go ahead, transform back I'm done. Thank you." He bowed slightly.

Eren returned the bow, lowering his head. He transformed to get dressed. As he walked the tunnel he realized it had been weeks since he last went out to see the outside. He had given up howling at the moon, had stopped drinking his morning coffee while watching the sunrise. He went to the evening meal.

After eating, he once more helped with the dishes. This was getting harder for him, but he felt like he needed to do something to keep busy. It took a few hours for all the dishes to be washed. By this time Darwin and Rigor had switched off. Eren was exhausted, he slept more these days simply due to his body needing it.

Tonight, though, he decided to go out for a moonlight walk. He grabbed a fresh cup of tea, something he liked to drink before heading off to bed. He walked the familiar halls to the entrance he was allowed out of. He couldn't climb to the top of the mountain any longer, but Rigor offered his arm so he could at least get a decent view.

They sat silently together watching the moon shine around them. Eren sipped his tea. He didn't bother to transform. That spark of hope was growing. He could almost feel those steel grey eyes on him.

'Soon, love. Soon our babies will be born. Soon, I will enter back into our world, soon I will know what fate bestowed upon you. If you are out there I will find you. If they killed you, I will avenge you!' Eren vowed. He tossed the scraps of tea leaves into the bushes, not seeing the dark wolf like shape they formed. Eren stood to waddle off to bed.

Leader of the pack 2: ProtectedWhere stories live. Discover now