Start from the beginning


After hearing of Harwin death, not even days later, a scroll was brought in the news of Lady Laena Velaryon death. She had apparently died by being burnt alive by her dragon, to which she demanded the dragon to burn her and Daemon's babe.

Delia was sadden by the fact of her cousin being burnt alive. She only wished to had been by her side and guided her to a safe pregnancy.

The Princess wished to avoided the funeral of Lady Laena , only to avoid Daemon, but here she was. Standing beside her husband and sister, as she holds her two oldest children to her chest.

"We join today at the Seat of the Sea." Vaemond Velaryon begins as he speaks in valyrian. "to commit the Lady Laena of House Velaryon." Delia looks up to see the knights tying ropes around the stone of her cousin's body.

Cai pulls his wife closer to him, trying to bring comfort for the Targaryen woman , but Delia only brings her children closer to her. Having to see your child go before you , was very sad and depressing. Delia would go insane if she lost any of her children. She wouldn't bare with the pain.

"to the eternal waters , the dominion of the Merling King where he will guard her for all the days to come. As she sets to sea for her final voyage , the Lady Laena leaves two true-born daughters on the shore."

Delia furrows her eyebrows when she notices Vaemond looking at Daemon with a certain look she couldn't despair , but once both of their violet eyes set on each other , it felt like a million bricks falling on Delia. The same feeling when they shared that night together. . . she feels young again under Daemon's gaze.

She couldn't look away from Daemon. It was like they were pulling each other closer and not wanting to stop. "Through their mother will not return from her voyage , they will all remain bound together in blood." Vaemond than turns his gaze to Rhaenrya and Delia who was standing by each other side. "Salt courses through Velaryon blood. Ours runs thick." Than finally he has set his eyes only on Delia as he says the last words. "Ours runs true." Delia gulps before pulling Rhaenna and Raelon closer , having the feeling of Vaemond directing the last words to her oldest children. "And ours must never thin."

Daemon notices the look of discomfort on both Rhaenrya and Delia's face, before chuckling, purposely withdrawing attention away from his niece's. Delia sighs as everyone watch the knights pull on the rope. "My gentle niece. May the winds be as strong as your back , your seas as calm as your spirit , and your nets be as full as your heart. From the sea we came. To the sea we shall return."

And finally, Laena Velaryon was returned to the sea at once to sleep for eternity and peace.


"I'm just gonna speak my mind boldly." Rhaegar mumbles as him and his siblings stand in a circle near their uncle Daemon, far enough to hear them talk faintly. "I am sensing our mother is with babe."

All siblings heads snap to him almost to quickly before they shushed him. Rhaegar was confused to why he had to shush, only to realize no one knows yet of the pregnancy, but just his siblings, which he took to offense. "You three knew and never bothered to tell me?"

Naela rolls her eyes at her twin brother before looking at their uncle and lowering their voices down. "We head the maester talking to the midwife about mother being sensitive to her stomach. It was early in the hour of the sun rise."

"Does father know?" Rhaegar asks his siblings, only to be slapped behind the head by Raelon. "Of course he does idiot. Why would he not know? But father wants us to keep quiet, only to give mother time to announce it."

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