003 a trip to paris

Start from the beginning

"But his family isn't," Parkinson pointed out, stating the obvious.

"So what if one of his forefathers didn't want to intermarry?" She flashed them an innocent grin and Crabbe scoffed. It wasn't a secret that those who valued blood purity would do anything to keep it pure.

"Please tell me that was a joke," Crabbe chuckled dryly. Both Crabbe and Parkinson glanced at each other before glaring back at Ariadne. The irritation on Crabbe's face almost made Ariadne laugh. She was just thankful that the librarian handed her her books so she could excuse herself. Though when she walked back to Theseus, he gave her a questioning glance.

"You talk to Crabbe and Parkinson?" he inquired.

Not you too.

"They came up to me," she reasoned, brushing his comment off, "Here, take this," she handed him the book of Greek myths. Excited to share his amusement after he read it. They walked to the end of the corridor before bidding each other farewell. A smile planted on her face as she walked back to her common room.

"We leave for Paris tomorrow," Ariadne threw down the Daily Prophet, Grindelwald's face smirking back at her. The picture flashed to the damaged site, rubble covered the floor and buildings left in ruins. Another rally. Theseus sighed, tiredness covering his features. Ariadne picked up on his discomfort and decided to add to it, "Portkey leaves at oh seven hundred." She turned as Melinda came up to them

"Bailey said that this is for you both," she smiled, handing the two aurors the filed report.

"Why couldn't he give them to us himself?" Ariadne grumbled under her breath. Not missing the way Theseus' shoulders tensed at her remark.

"I'm sure he's busy," Theseus reasoned nonchalantly, making Ariadne glare at him.

A comforting hand was placed on Ariadne's shoulder, "It's fine. It's my job anyways," Melinda said.

"Your job is to help Barracus, not every one of his employees," she directed the last part at Theseus. Bitterness was entwined with her words. It was one thing to treat Ariadne dissimilarly, another to walk all over Melinda. In an office full of men, Ariadne would have expected that they at least recognise the effort she put in. "Pack lightly, we shouldn't be there for long."

Ariadne spent the rest of the day going through Thatcher's report and repeating Rosier's words in her head. There was a reason for Grindelwald's decision to kill. She just needed to find it. Between everything, the truth would reveal itself in time. She just didn't realise the time that had passed until she felt a soft tap on her shoulder.

"It's getting late, Ariadne," she looked up, staring at Theseus' blue eyes before glancing at the clock. It read 9:47 pm. On a typical day, she would have left four hours ago but her mind was fizzled with different thoughts she hadn't sorted out.

"Right," she said, "Thanks." There was an awkward drift in the air before he left the room. Ariadne sighed, running her fingers through her brunette hair. Now that Theseus had pointed out the time, she felt her shoulders slack. Her body had been cramped up in the same position that she felt condensed. With a quick incantation, her desk was clean and she switched off the only source of light in the office.

Ariadne quickened her pace, glancing down at her watch. The clock struck 6:59am, with her poor attempt at not being late, Ariadne had arrived on the dot. Opening the door, Theseus and Barracus gave her different looks which piped her curiosity. They stood in a dark room on the lower levels of the ministry. A small table with two chairs occupied one side of the room as an old cracked trash bin stood in the centre.

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