He Only Exists In The Dark Of My Room

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                                                                                 TW: Blood

                         Dallas didn't leave New york because of gangs. He left because everyone found out the truth. He was a monster, like generally a monster.

Sodapop had no clue who the hell was tapping on his window at 3 in the morning, he was just hoping that if he ignored them they would go away. They didn't. It was just a quick 'tap, tap' on his window but it annoyed the middle Curtis. He finally got up and looked out the window. The sight that he was looking at sent him into a ambivalence of emotions. He didn't know wether to feel scarred, shocked, or even intrigued by the sight in front of him. It was Dallas Winston covered in blood with almost zero emotion, well at least that was what it looked like to Sodapop.

Sodapop let Dallas in even though the normal person would probably scream their head off. Soda really just wanted an explanation. Dally sat on the chair to Soda's desk while Soda stayed standing, unsure of what to do. He was very curious of why his friend was covered in blood.

"Dallas why the hell are you covered in blood." That was the first thing Soda said that broke the silence. Dallas looked at him a shrugged. "You can't just shrug for christ's sake tell me why you are covered in blood!" He looked at Soda with a look in his eyes that made Sodapop aware of what he had gotten himself into. He looked angry but not angry at the same time. His eyes looked almost like he desired something, that something could only be deciphered as Sodapop.

Sodapop was unsure what to do now with himself and Dally. Until Dally broke his gaze on Sodapop and said, "Can I take a shower and then explain?" Sodapop just nodded unsure of what else to say.

Dallas got up and out of Sodapop's chair and headed to the bathroom. Which was right next to Soda's room, so Dallas was lucky. Sodapop heard the water running and decided that he should clean up the blood stained chair before it drys. That was exactly what he did until he finished, and a little after heard the water stop running. He was sitting on the bed waiting for Dally to come back into the room. Which he did with a towel wrapped around his waist.

The sight in front of Sodapop made his stomach flip without him even knowing why. Dally stopped and looked at him and after a bit of starring he asked, "Do you have any cloths I can borrow, I don't need a shirt though." Of course Soda had cloths, so he just nodded and walked over to his dresser and pulled out some clean boxers and some sweatpants. Which he handed to Dallas before turning around. Of course Dallas got the hint and he started changing.

Sodapop felt cold but comforting breath on the back of his neck. He had no clue how he found the coldness comforting as it was impossible for someone to have cold breath. He felt a 'Tap, Tap' on his shoulder. But as soon as Sodapop turned around he felt cold lips pressed against his. He kissed back with no explanation why. The kiss was desirable, it made Sodapop relise how much he needed Dallas.

Dallas pushed Sodapop until the back of his knees hit the edge of the bed, making him fall back onto it. Sodas legs lifted to go around Dally's waist, while at the same time he lived his arms to go around Dally's neck. He realized what he needed to ask Dallas, so he broke the kiss. He hated himself for breaking that kiss but it had to be done. He asked Dallas to explain, to which Dally only replied by moving to lay to the left side of Sodapop on the bed.

"You promise you won't freak out and leave." said Dallas. "I Promise." was the only thing Sodapop replied with. "I'm a vampire." That was all Dallas said and it was what Sodapop definitely didn't expect. He didn't feel scared though he felt intrigued almost. "That still doesn't explain why you showed up with blood all over your body."

So Dallas continued, "It doesn't matter when it can happen, but on a random night around this time of the morning a vampire starts to only smell one thing. That thing being a specific humans blood. Sure, we smell blood all through out the day along with other smells but this is bad because we can only smell the one persons blood even if you try so hard to smell something else. But the reason I was covered in blood was because whenever a vampire smells the persons blood, all the blood that that vampire has every drunk gets poured over them, like a random bucket appears and pours it on them, except there is no bucket the blood just appears. I was lucky I was outside alone or else it would have given me away. Thats why I moved from New York, I went crazy because of your smell, Soda."

That gave Soda a pretty good idea of what Dallas did. But he was curious, "Why did you loose my smell and have to gain it again?" And is this kind of like soulmates?" Soda worried he was asking to many questions but Dallas looked ready to give the answers.

"When us vampires smell that persons blood we become extremely thirsty even if we had just drunk some blood before. I fulfilled my thirst in New York and everyone there was dead by the time I was gone. That's why once I was finished I fled the state and moved here. I knew once I gained that exact smell again that it was you because I had gotten close enough to you before to know your smell. So, yea I did know that it was you who I was smelling back in New York but I was to nervous to say anything because I didn't know how you would react. So, I waited until it happened again which is now."

"Oh yea and I guess you could call it soulmates." Sodapop wasn't scared he didn't think he was anywhere near scared of Dallas. He never had been before and he wasn't now. He didn't see Dallas any differently exempt for the fact he just released his feeling for him. He would always push these feeling so far back but he never really forgot what he was feeling. Dallas broke the silence by saying, "Why aren't you running?" "I don't know maybe because I like you too."

Dallas was shocked. He had never felt so listened to before, Sodapop took in every word. Dally was more then shocked to find out that Sodapop had mutual feeling for him. Sodapop showed Dally that he was listening by saying, "You can drink from me, because you said that vampires become thirsty once they smell their soulmates blood."

Oh yea this made Dallas blush, all over. He was sure Sodapop saw it because of the moonlight coming threw his window. "I think before I do you need to know that the further a vampire is from their soulmate the more blood they need. So, I am still thirsty but I won't need as much as I did in New York. I am also not going to turn you because I don't honestly think your ready for it."

Soda only nodded and sat up, and Dally followed pulling Sodapop closer to him. Jesus Soda smelt so good. Dally found a spot on Soda's lower neck, it was almost his collarbone, and looked up for approval of the spot. Soda nodded slightly and closed his eyes letting his body fall into Dally's cold touch on his neck.

Dally's fangs slowly sunk into Sodapop's neck. It stung at first but almost immediately after Soda felt so much pleasure he couldn't not make a sound. This made Dallas pull him closer to sink deeper into Soda's neck. He was trying to make Soda feel as much pleasure as he could. The thought of this made Soda blush. This pushed all the blood towards Dally's fangs giving him all the blood he needed.

So, he pulled off of Soda's neck which stopped bleeding once Dallas licked it clean and looked at Sodapop. He loved the sight in front of him. Sodapop slowly opened his eyes and locked eyes with Dallas. Sodapop quickly closed the gap between them. The kiss was calm and more soft then the first one, definitely more focused and less frantic.

Dally broke them apart and said, "you should probably put a shirt on to cover the mark, just in case your brothers wake you up in the morning." Soda didn't respond and just got up to get a shirt. Once he sat back down he asked, "Are you going to stay the night?" Dallas replied with, "Only if you want me too."

"Of course I want you to." said Sodapop laying back down and patting the spot next to him, which Dallas slowly laid down on. Dallas pulled Soda to lay up against his chest. Sodapop quickly grabbed the blanket and through it over them. Dallas whispered a 'Goodnight and I Love You' which Sodapop returned. Dally must have been tired because Soda noticed how quickly his breathing slowed. Soda also heard quiet snores coming from above him.

Sodapop got lost in his thoughts and released that this Dallas was only his. Well, from what it seemed like Dally had never told anybody about this so he felt special. Dally was also never this soft so of course this had to be a thing for Soda. This soft vampire version of Dally was only his. Soda's thoughts slowly got turned into nothingness as he slowly let sleep take over him. The last thing on his mind being, 'This version of Dallas only exists in the darkness of my room.'

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