24 | Not Very Kind

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Beverly's POV:


It was 10:00 am, just the time that Anthony got up and got in the shower.

The time when he spent at least 15 minutes showing and then another 10 to pick out his outfit.

Then, to his office, he went for the next 3 hours, and he didn't come out until then.

This means I had about 10 minutes to slip out of the house with anyone seeing me.

So, here I was. I'm having a nice run outside.

It was the only thing that I had left to try and stop thinking about him.

It has been hard to avoid him.

God. It's been a fucking misery.

But it's what I promised him. And I don't intend on breaking my promises.

He has been doing what I expected, trying to be kind. Trying to sympathize.

But nothing has been working.

I have barely spoken a whole sentence to him these last 2 weeks.

And although it's been hard, I am managing.

I am about 2 miles away from the house, another 2 to go.

The amount of adrenaline that was Pumping through my veins was crazy.

I felt the need to go faster, but I also felt the need to slow down.

I felt my wrist began to buzz as I glanced down and saw that Anthony was calling me.

I rolled my eyes at the sight of his name on the caller I.D and immediately declined the call.

God he was this close to getting yelled at.

He was pissing me off. To the max.

I continued to run as I suddenly heard tires screech behind me.

My head immediately darted behind me as a white van came to a stop.

My eyes widened at the sight of 4 guys with black hoodies and black masks came running towards me.

Flight or fight immediately sat in, as I turned around as I started to run as fast as I could.

The worry immediately set into my chest, as I couldn't help but breath even heavier.

"Beverly Jackson. Stop!" I heard one of the men yell.

I didn't.

I ran like my life depended on it.

Because it does.

Soon, the men finally caught up to me.

But I was ready. I had been trained for this type of shit.

Never in my life did I think it would come true, but here we are.

I immediately stopped, as one the men grabbed onto my arm trying to pull me down.

I launched up my elbow in a quick motion as I hit the very front of his nose, causing him to topple to the ground and growl in pain.

As for the others, I turned around as the three of them began to surround me.

I eyed them carefully as the one began to charge after me.

I ran straight for him, as I lifted my leg up and kicked his body back, sending him straight into the concrete.

As soon as I did that, the last 2 people ran up behind me and toppled me to the ground.

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