𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆-𝗳𝗶𝘃𝗲

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Wook didn't let Gaeun sleep. Under the excuse that he'd have to return to Danhyangok with Mu Deok soon, he pestered her with questions about Yeol and Jooyong and her powers. After she had shot his last question down ("Can you breathe fire and if yes, did you ever want to do it while kissing me?") and commanded him to go to sleep did he grumble and nestle against her collarbone in defeat.

For much of the night, Gaeun listened to Wook breathe softly as he slept. She clung to him, afraid that he'd slip through her fingers like every other dream of hers in which he loved her back. A part of her still wanted to suspect him of being fickle, that something new would come along his way and attract his attention. But he had wept at the grave and had spent much of the night arguing with her over names, leaving her no choice but to agree that Saebyeok was a good name. She had traced the characters of his name in the air and whispered that in Yifan's native tongue, Wook and Saebyeok meant the same. Wook was pretty much cemented on the idea after that.

So that meant that she could trust him, right? That he was sincere with his words this time. And that he had finally grown up.

Gaeun brushed Wook's hair away from his forehead and kissed him. He stretched in his sleep and nuzzled closer.

The calm, however, didn't last long.

At the first rays of sunrise, loud clanging pierced the air, making both of them scramble out of bed. Wook threw a blanket around her bare shoulders in his haste and nearly hit his head against the bed frame. Gaeun barely registered anything apart from the unbearably loud noise and suddenly found the air thick with ancient magic. It felt like her bedroom was drowning in miasma.

"Rise and shine, little wench!" Jooyong's voice shook the wooden beams on the ceiling. He stood in the centre of the room, dressed in his regal red robes with a collar that dipped down his chest. The white gems scattered on the fabric cast star-like reflections all around the room. The Dragon God looked the same as he did nearly three years ago, with his lush red and black hair hiding his ox horns and his youthful face bearing his signature canine smirk.

He threw the hammer and gong that he used to create the ruckus over his shoulders. They disappeared with a 'pop'. Placing his hands on his waist, he grinned at her animalistically, "You miss me? I heard you begging and crying for me. Look at you, all grown and married to this wormling I had wanted dead. Such a tender neck he has. Would be a shame if I snapped—"

Gaeun reeled for a vase on the side table. But instead of hurling it at Jooyong, she threw up inside it. Jooyong made an extremely disgusted face and recoiled while Wook gently rubbed her back in soothing circles.

"What a repulsive welcome," Jooyong tugged at his ears, "Eugh, I'll never stop hearing that." With an aggressive wave of his hand, the dragon cast a vanishing spell on the vase. He narrowed his eyes at Gaeun, noting the way Wook was helping her stand.

"Pathetic," he spat, "How fast you've fallen in just two years. You've grown unbelievably sensitive to my magic."

He took a step closer and Gaeun vomited again for him to spell it away. "Can you," she wheezed, "please take it slow."

Wook scowled in the dragon's direction and snapped, "Couldn't you wait until she's better?"

This made Gaeun and Jooyong slowly turn their heads towards him. Jooyong raised an impeccable brow at him while Gaeun gaped, "You can see him?"

"...Yes?" He said reluctantly, "Am I not supposed to?"

Jooyong raised a finger and Wook almost recoiled at his sharpened nail. "Hold that thought," the dragon said and disappeared. Something crashed somewhere in the compound. A scream sounded from another corner. Something heavy collapsed with a loud thud. Jooyong returned with a pensive look on his face. "Hmm," he scratched the tip of his horn that poked through his hair, "He does seem to be the only one who can see me. Perhaps it is because of our deal?"

𝐄𝐗𝐈𝐋𝐄 ♕ 𝐉𝐀𝐍𝐆 𝐖𝐎𝐎𝐊Where stories live. Discover now