Chapter 7

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Gavin just woke up and stretched. He looks over to see Piper slowly waking up. She gives him a very light kiss on the cheek. " thanks for all the support at my game yesterday. You're the best babe. "
" no problem. you know i had to support my man. my man my man my man. " he laughs and kisses her cheek. she blushes. " making me glow. "  piper says.  " aw, i'm making you glow princess? "  he asks. " yes babe, i love your kisses."  he starts to smother her with kisses on her cheek, neck, forehead, lips. "  she giggles. " you like that? "  she nods and kisses his lips. " alright, i'm gonna go take a shower. "  he says.  30 minutes after, his phone is constantly blowing up. Piper picks it up and sees it's some girl on Instagram. " what the f*ck... " 
she continues reading through the messages and Gavin comes out of the bathroom with wet hair, no shirt, and some shorts.  She throws his phone and it cracks.
" Piper- "  she cuts him off. " What the f*ck Gavin! Why are there other b*tches in your phone. Are we seriously going through this again? " she yells. " going through what? What are you even talking about? "  he says. She starts to cry and yell. " Why are you always f*cking cheating on me Gavin?! I do nothing but love and support you, so you f*cking cheat? "  she yells. " Babe, no. I'm not cheating on you. He grabs her hands and she pulls away from him. " yeah, well i don't believe you Gavin. "  she storms out. He's in complete shock. Gavin gets dressed an shoes to get a new phone. It's the same number from the old one. He immediately texts Piper. 

" Piper please just tell me what's going on. "                                                                                                                                   Read

 " What happened to mine forever? "                                                                                                                                                   Read

" Come on babe, last time this happened you said you wished you'd let me explain, so let me explain. Please       I can't lose you again. "                                                                                                                                                                              Read

   He bangs his head against the steering wheel. He drives back to campus and continuously punched things. He goes to his dorm and starts throwing stuff and kicking stuff over. " F*ck! " he yells. He goes to his room and sees Piper laying on the bed. " you got a minute to explain Gavin. "  he hugs her first, really tight. He kisses her neck multiple times before grabbing her face and kissing her lips. She pushed him away. " you don't get no kisses until I get an explanation. 40 seconds. "  he sits down.  "I swear to you she's just some girl I talked to like years ago and she keeps trying to get with me, if you look, the only messages I've sent her is to leave me the f*ck alone. "  Piper takes his phone out of his hand. " If that's true, let me call her. "  she says. " and say what? "  he asks. "  you'll see. "  he nods and she calls the girl instagram. " Heyyy Gavin. "  the girl says. Piper turns on the camera and sticks up the middle finger. " my man, b*tch. "  Gavin kisses Piper and gives her a hickey. " yesss Gav. MY MAN MY MAN MY MAN. "  Piper sticks up her middle finger again and hangs up.  She turns back and kisses Gavin. They start making out but she can tell he's uncomfortable since he's barely kissing her back. She breaks the kiss to look at him. " What's wrong Gav? "   he looks sad. " you said you trusted me with your life.... "  she hesitates. " I-I do... "  he gets angry. " Then why the f*ck did we have to go through this sh*t!"  He punches the wall as he storms out and slams the door.

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