Meeting Her Match

Start from the beginning

"Hey! I'm the fastest pegasus around here!" Rainbow Dash shouted, annoyed by the cloaked pegasus who appears to be boasting about their speed. The thought of this pony potentially being some lame old robber made her even more annoyed. Immediately, in a display of her raw speed, Rainbow Dash increases in speed, flying at full throttle, accelerating to her top speed very quickly. The cloaked pegasus briefly looks behind and starts accelerating too.

"What! No! No no no!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed in disbelief. Despite flying at her top speed, the cloaked pegasus still appears to be getting further and further away, at an acceleratingly faster rate. No other pony can be faster than Rainbow Dash herself right? So her mind draws to one conclusion on who that cloaked figure may be.

"I swear to Celestia if you're messing with me- DISCORD!" Undeterred, and now believing it's possibly just Discord pulling a leg, Rainbow Dash continues flying in pursuit of the cloaked figure, despite her knowing the figure appearing to be faster.

The cloaked figure suddenly does a very sharp 360 degrees turn and flies diagonally up. Shocked, but her focus not shaken, Rainbow Dash does a less sharp 360 degrees turn and flies diagonally up.

"That was a sharp three sixty," One of Rainbow Dash's thoughts races through her mind. Multiple thoughts are racing through her mind. Who is the cloaked figure? Is it actually Discord or not? If not, who are they and how are they faster? Rainbow Dash focuses on her main thought, seeing what's inside that backpack the pegasus is carrying, to see if any items were robbed.

For half an hour, Rainbow Dash chases after the cloaked figure, both doing crazy sharp turns and maneuvers. But with every minute, the cloaked figure keeps gaining distance. Rainbow Dash continues chases after them though, hoping that if she can't beat them in speed, maybe she can beat them on endurance... unless if it is Discord, that is.

The cloaked figure does another sharp 360 degrees turn, and starts flying diagonally down. Rainbow Dash does an even less sharp 360 degrees turn than before and flies down straight for them. Rainbow Dash feels herself slowing down, but the cloaked figure shows no signs of slowing down.

"This is my only chance to get them if they're really faster than me. If I can't get them they're gonna get away," Rainbow Dash thought to herself, using her weight to accelerate as she's flying diagonally down, a desperate attempt to catch up and close the gap. Her shattered ego in being the fastest pony doesn't matter right now. What matters is that if the cloaked figure did rob something, she must stop them.

The cloaked figure starts flying high up and low down, in vertical zig zags, making Rainbow Dash follow up and down if she wants to get them. The cloaked figure seems to not only keep at a steady speed, but appears to be going even faster, while Rainbow Dash keeps slowing down even. The gap between the 2 just keeps growing bigger and bigger. Rainbow Dash has given it her all, and that feeling of defeat sinks into her, and hurts. It is now clear, the cloaked figure is going to get away.

But then a bird that went undetected smacks into the cloaked figure's left wing, dislocating it. Luckily for the bird, they manage to bounce off the wing and continue on it's own journey. But the cloaked pegasus' pink trail immediately dissipates as they stop flying and starts falling. They scream unpleasantly aloud, and Rainbow Dash's mindset changes, from catching a potential robber to saving somepony's life.

"Hang on I've gotcha!" Rainbow Dash wastes no time to diving down for the falling cloaked figure. They catch them and holds them with all 4 hooves. Rainbow Dash flies to the nearest cloud while slowing down. Now up close and seeing the size, Rainbow Dash can tell it's definitely not Discord pulling any shenanigans, and the figure is a pegasus, a pegasus mare.

She slows herself down until her rainbow trail disappears, and no longer above the speed of sound. She continues slowing down until she's merely hovering. She heads over to a nearby cloud, a small cloud, but large enough for both pegasuses. Rainbow Dash lowers herself and lets go, as she's a safe height above the cloud for the cloaked pegasus to land on. But the cloaked mare's hooves give away as she lands, and falls over. She slowly gets up, folding her right wing back up while her left wing dangles. Rainbow Dash lowers herself, onto the cloud, then stops flapping her wings and folds them back up. She cannot see most of the other mare's face except the nose and mouth, because of the shadow created by the cloak's hood.

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