Sciles (smut)

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It was Scott's first day of college he was excited to learn everything he needed to know so he can be a teacher.

"Hello Mr. McCall I'm Lydia'."

"Hey, nice to meet you'."

"You as well, I'll be showing you to your dorm."

"Cool thanks."

"Oh and you will have a roommate but y'all
will have separate rooms for privacy."

"Ok that's fine" Scott felt a little nervous to live with someone he didn't know.

"Here we are,have fun and welcome to Harvard."

"Thank you Scott walks inside and takes a look around "Hi? I'm your new roommate." Something makes a loud noise from the other room followed by footsteps.
A young guy walks out from the room Scott took notes of how short he was admiring his petite body. AN:(I don't know if that's how you spell petite but back to the story)
Scott shakes his thoughts away, Hey I'm Scott your new roommate."

"Cool, I'm Stiles sorry I wasn't told I was greeting a roommate,this might be awkward."Stiles scratched the back of his neck.

"Oh I'm sorry."

"No it's okay,you just umm, won't have a bed." Stiles mumbled on his words, the unexpected rooms made him remember what happened to the second bedroom.

"It's a two bedroom,why won't I have a bedroom?"

"Funny story, I had a ragging party a few weeks ago, I kept my room locked but yours was open, and two of my friends were railing in that room, me and a couple of other drunk idiots decided to join and on the fun and jump on the bed after they were done and broke it."

"Wow,and you didn't tell anyone to get a new bed?" Scott face palms himself in annoyance but also admiring stiles.

"No because I don't want to buy a new bed."

"Well it looks like I'll have to get a new room, or tell them to put a new bed in here." Scott stands with his hands in his hoodie.

"Don't tell anyone, I'll get in trouble."

"They need to know,you broke school property."

I'll get a new bed okay, just don't tell anyone please." Stiles was on his knees begging.

Scott kinda enjoyed stiles on his knees begging him like that, then dirty thoughts came to his mind and he turns around so stiles didn't see his boner or his blushing face.

"Fine, just order a bed." Stiles clear his throat.

"I will,thank you."

Scott unpack his things and settled in perfectly, his desk was decorated with his laptop and little avengers figures, and a closet full with clothes, he just needed a bed so he could sleep.

"Hey I ordered the bed, but it's gonna take a week to get here." Stiles stood on the door way.

"A week? Where am I supposed to sleep until then?"

"The Couch is comfy, or you could sleep with me." Stiles said in a flirtatious tone Stiles blush and looks the other way "

"That's a cute face." Scott chuckles.

"But why would I want to share a bed with someone I just met?"

"Because it's great to cuddle."

"No thanks,I'll take the couch."

"Aww your no fun." Stiles pout and heads to his room.
Scott got ready for his orientation and his tour of the grounds.
His tour guide was a student in his third year, he had a warm smile.
"Hi, I'm Brett."

"Hey, I'm Scott."

"Ready for your tour."


Meanwhile, stiles was busy getting his ass kicked in cod general shepherd was stronger than he thought.
Stupid general, die." He yells at the tv.

"And the last place is also my favorite, the movie theater." Said Brett

"Wow, this big place is the movies?"

"Yeah, lots of different movie selections like scary movies."

"You had me at scary." Scott smiles

"Oh yeah, sadly I can't show you more, I have more tours after you."

"That's okay,I can check it out myself I'll see you around."

"Ok, see ya."

A couple hours later of being in the movies and walking around, Scott finally head back to his dorm.
"I'm back he calls out."


"You okay?" Scott ran to Stiles room.

"Yeah, damn general killed me, again."

"Oh I haven't played cod in forever."
Scott sits down next to Stiles on the bed
"I bet I can kill him."

"Ok smart guy, do it."

"Wanna bet?" Scott smirks

"What kind of bet?" Stiles was interested

"If I win in one try I get to take over your bed until my bed gets here."

"Where would I sleep." Stiles whine

"On the couch it's comfy."

"Ok, I bet you can't win in one try it's gonna take you at least four tries and if you lose you don't get my bed and you have to make me breakfast in the morning."

I'll finish tomorrow I'm tired bye muncher🖤

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