Pt 1: Sweet Bunny :3

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???: Hi there! :3

-You were sitting alone at a lunch table by yourself-

???: you seem a bit down.. Are you ok? :3

-You look up at the guy in front of you-

You: o-oh! Yes I'm fine just having a bit of a rough day.. ???: oh dear.. That sounds horrible nya :3, do you mind if I sit with you?
???: maybe I can cheer you up nya! :3 You: oh! Thank you that would be nice of you

-He seems nice he has a great smile, and he smells like Cake, you look up at him and he smiles at you-

??? : I'm bunny By the way nya :3
It's nice to meet you, I hope we can be friends!

-Bunny.. What a sweet name for a sweet lookin boy-

You: I'm y/n! Bunny:

-He perks up-

Bunny: what a wonderful name Nya!!! :3
-You blush a bit nobody has ever called your name wonderful not even your parents.. It's good to here it from a new friends mouth-

You: thank you bunny that means alot..
Bunny: aw.. Your welcome y/n^^

-this guy.. He's so sweet.. To sweet for anyone I wish I could..-


Bunny: aw.. Not the bell I really wanted to talk to you more Nya.. Well I guess I'll see you later Nya! I'll meet you here at the same time tomorrow ok :3? Bunny: O-only if you want to see me tomorrow of course n-nya 👉👈

-Bunny looked down and was frowned up a bit, touching the tips of his pointer fingers together, swaying his hips slowly, he looked worried that you would say no to eating lunch with him tomorrow, and you didn't want to refuse a offer from such a sweet guy-

You: of course Bunny!! I'm looking forward to it! Bunny: Ah!! That's great Nya! I can't wait to see you tomorrow Nya! :3, Bye bye y/n-Chan~

-you blush did just he called me y/n chan..? While you were thinking that bunny left and you were all alone. Again once bunny left you felt his kind & sweet Aurora leave you can't help but to miss him a bit-

*Time skip :3*

-The day goes on as you go on through your classes you don't see bunny you would at least thought you would see him at least once in the hallway, but you didn't... Oh no was bunny not real.. Was he a figment of your imagination, was it just a way your brain was keeping you entertained?.. Jeez.. You knew it.. Your so stupid-

*Time skip to the end of the day :3*

-you head to the bathroom before heading home, you like to wait until everyone leaves the bathroom so you can go, you open up the door and head into the stall as you close the door behind you you sit down on the toilet, a few seconds go by as the lights turn out in the bathroom-

You: w-what the..

-you couldn't see for shit in the dark you breathe heavy as you try to make up your surroundings but you didn't want to leave the stall-

*Creak~~* You: H-Hello!??

-you hear the door to the bathroom shut and lock as you here shoes click on marble floor heading to your stall you stay Slilent as a mouse as you cover your mouth before you know it your bathroom door swung open-

???: *giggle*
*in your mind: that sounds like..* Bunny: dont worry
Y/n-Chan~ everything is gonna be ok Nya~ :3

-with out a word Bunny quietly came closer to you and hit the back of your neck hitting a sensitive nerve in your body, causing you to black out and collapsed into his arms and everything went pitch black-

*Hours later :3*

-you wake up in a unfamiliar room, as your eyes adjust to the light you released the whole damn room was pink, you keep looking around worried as you look down there was a chain attached to your ankle, you started to panick and yelled, Bunny rushes into the bedroom-

Bunny: Y/n-Chan!! Are you ok!!

-you look up at bunny with tears in your eyes you looked scared and frightened to death-

Bunny: oh no no no!!!
Y/n-Chan please don't cry!

- he reaches out to touch your cheek, but you frantically try to scoot away from him, but the chain was preventing you from moving farther away from him-

Y/n: b-bunny.. Why are you doing this..why am I chained up!? We're am I!! Why is-

Bunny: sh sh sh..
Y/n-Chan everything is ok^^ all you need to know is that your mine now and that I'm gonna take good care of you :3

*In your mind: what the actual fuck!? Is This guy is insane!?!? He seemed so sweet... I guess I was wrong..*

Bunny: hmm?~ something on your mind Y/n-Chan~

-he grabs your chin, as you jolted away-

Y/n: d-dont.. Touch me!!

-you bite Bunny's finger-

Bunny: owie.. :c Y/n you meanie! Someone needs to teach you some manners!!!

-bunny stands up and reaches in his pocket grabbing a tiny remote-

*in your mind: what is that..*

-you look down at your neck-

*in your mind: oh shit.. *

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2023 ⏰

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