She shook her head. 'not really, but I could go somewhere with you if you are.”

He thought for a moment. “Do you like (insert favorite fast food restaurant here. Mine is McDonalds, only because my husband works there :)) ?” he asked.


He laughed. “You are easy to please. Let's go there and grab some (insert favorite food from favorite restaurant, mentioned above, here.)


“I figure we could go back to my house and eat on the roof?”

“the roof?”

“The roof! The roof! The roof is on fire!” he sang.

She looked at him skeptically and he busted out laughing.

“You don't know that song?”

She shook her head.

“It came out in 1984!” he said.

“I wasn't born then.”

“I wasn't either, but I still know it!” he protested.

“I am sorry I don't follow in your excitement about the roof song.” she said-making him laugh again.

“Ok smarty pants, what songs do you like?”

“Tenth Avenue North- Worn, Chris August- Battle, Newsboys- Jesus Freak, Matthew West- Broken Girl, Casting Crowns- East to West.” she said as she listed off her favorite songs.

Bryten chuckled. “I like those myself.”

“I went to a Casting Crowns concert when I was younger. I fell in love with them there.”

“I bet so. They are supposed to be on tour again soon. We will have to check out the dates.” he said as he whipped into the (insert favorite restaurant here. Again!) drive thru. (<---- My husband, who is sitting across from me, says that is how you spell drive thru. I think it looks funny and am curious to know if he is wrong. I am, however, leaving the spelling the way it is. Because if you are fans of mine you already know my spelling is pretty bad and my punctuation is even worse, but you love me anyway! Anywhoo.....)

After he ordered and they were on the way home Tinsley turned to him.

“You never did tell me why we're eating on the roof- and please don't say because it's on fire.”

He laughed. “because we did some work and it's pretty up there.”

She nodded; she was satisfied with his answer.

“I had fun tonight.” he said as he took her hand.

Breaking Her Chains (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now