Chapter 8 - Y/n Pov

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Many weeks passed since I last met Jungkook on the bench, in the college's park. I had this feeling that he was ignoring me, and should have felt relieved but, surprisingly, I felt his absence, mora than I wanted to admit it to myself. Usually he would roam around me in college to get my attention, and I would avoid him, but now he stopped doing that. What happened to him? Why he changed his behavior? It was difficult for me to admit that I was missing him. It's okay... I'll get used to it. I kept reassuring myself, but a weird instinct inside me was telling me to go and talk to him, but I never had enough courage to face him.

On the other hand, my friendship with Yoongi was blooming again. Whenever crossing the hallways we would meet, he always flashed me his sweet, gummy smile. He was really kind all the time. Another change in the past weeks in college was Yuna. It looked like she came back to life again after disappearing for some weeks. She always tried to talk to me, and have lunch together. Sometimes I gladly accepted, while other times, I wished she was never with me, because being with her cost me all students' attention.

Currently I was sitting in class, when the last bell rang. Students immediately stood up, grabbing their books, and they all went away.
I was packing my bag, when suddenly a voice echoed in the empty classroom, making me startle. "I hope you haven't forgotten" Yuna smiled, entering inside. "I didn't" I grabbed my belongings and went towards her. "Great" she squealed in happiness. "Let's go then" she was excited, but I was tense again, because never in my life someone invited me to their house, but Yuna did, yesterday during lunch. I was about to refuse, but immediately she reassured me that it will be just the both of us.

So here I was following her towards her car in the parking lot. Her car was parked, exactly near a black bike, and soon I saw the owner of it. "Hi, Jk" Yuna said, as soon as Jungkook came near his bike. "Hi" he flashed her a smile, and then noticed my presence near the passenger seat. My mind went numb, I didn't know what to say, when we made eye contact. I gulped hard, and my hands became sweaty.

Yuna was casually talking to him, but her words couldn't reach my ears. The whole world seemed invisible when he was in front of me. What should I say? Sorry? I didn't know the exact reason, but deep down an inner voice was telling me to apologize to him... but for what? Maybe I avoided him for so long, now he's pissed off, that's why he's ignoring me now. "Right Y/n?" Yuna asked me. Wait, what? What they are talking about? I didn't follow their conversation at all, lost in my own thoughts. They both were staring at me. I gulped hard, and nodded a little. "See, even she thinks you're hot"

What the fuck! My cheeks became red, as I was trying to avoid his eyes, but I could feel his warm gaze on me. "I'll get going" Jungkook sat on the bike and started it. "Bye" he said to me and Yuna, and disappeared within a minute. "We should go too" Yuna sat on the driver seat, and I followed her, sitting on the passenger seat.

Soon I was standing outside Yuna's house. She pulled out the keys from under the small mat, in front of the door, and opened it. "Welcome to my shelter" she giggled, dramatically bowing and indicating to me to enter inside. Never in my life I thought Yuna's house would be like this. Never. A small cottage in one of the suburbs of Seoul. Stepping inside, the wooden floor cracked under my feet. I felt terrible, thinking maybe it was because of my weight. "Oh no, it happens every time, don't worry" Yuna said, placing the keys in a bowl on the kitchen counter.

"There's no one now" she declared as soon as we reached what seemed like the living room. Dust covered most of the furniture, the room was dank, I felt a shiver running down your spine, as the house temperature was really low as compared to outside. "Can I offer you something?" the smile never leaving her lips. "Hmm... it's the first time I'm inviting someone to my place" she scratched the back of her neck. "I'm sorry if it feels weird"

His Chubby Girl - Jeon Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now